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Intel Celeron Dual-Core T1600


Nazwa roboczaMerom
SeriaIntel Celeron Dual-Core

Rodzina: Celeron Dual-Core Merom

Intel Celeron Dual-Core T17001.83 GHz2 / 2 cores
Intel Celeron Dual-Core T1600 « 1.66 GHz2 / 2 cores
Intel Celeron Dual-Core T15001.87 GHz2 / 2 cores
Taktowanie1660 MHz
Pamięć 2. poziomu1 MB
Liczba rdzeni / wątków2 / 2
TDP (Thermal Design Power)35 W
Liczba tranzystorów291 mln
Technologia wytwarzania65 nm
Zakres napięcia1.075V-1.175V V
Rozmiar procesora143 mm2
Maks. temperatura100 °C
CechyIntel 64, eX
64-bityobsługa 64-bitów
Data premiery01/05/2008
Odnośnik do produktu (zewn.)


Cinebench R10 - Cinebench R10 Rend. Multi (32bit)
3000 pkt. (2%)
3DMark 06 - CPU - 3DMark 06 - CPU
1350 Points (3%)
Super Pi mod 1.5 XS 1M - Super Pi mod 1.5 XS 1M *
36 s (8%)
SiSoft Sandra Dhrystone (MIPS) - SiSoft Sandra Dhrystone (MIPS)
14100 MIPS (7%)
SiSoft Sandra Whetstone (MFLOPS) - SiSoft Sandra Whetstone (MFLOPS)
10600 MFLOPS (8%)
- Zakres wyników testów referencyjnych dla tej karty graficznej
red legend - Średnia wartość wyników testów referencyjnych dla tej karty graficzne
* Mniejsze liczby oznaczają wyższą wydajność

log 01. 04:22:10

#0 ran 0s before starting gpusingle class +0s ... 0s

#1 no ids found in url (should be separated by "_") +0s ... 0s

#2 not redirecting to Ajax server +0s ... 0s

#3 did not recreate cache, as it is less than 5 days old! Created at Fri, 28 Feb 2025 05:39:56 +0100 +0.001s ... 0.001s

#4 no comparison url found in template nbc.compare_page_2 needed +0.002s ... 0.003s

#5 no comparison url found in template nbc.compare_page_2 needed +0s ... 0.003s

#6 composed specs +0s ... 0.003s

#7 did output specs +0s ... 0.003s

#8 getting avg benchmarks for device 479 +0.004s ... 0.007s

#9 got single benchmarks 479 +0.014s ... 0.021s

#10 got avg benchmarks for devices +0s ... 0.021s

#11 min, max, avg, median took s +0.167s ... 0.188s

#12 no comparison url found in template nbc.compare_page_2 needed +0s ... 0.188s

#13 return log +0s ... 0.188s

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Inne procesory tej serii Celeron Dual-Core

» Intel Celeron Dual-Core T3500
   2x 2.1 GHz
» Intel Celeron Dual-Core T3100
   2x 1.9 GHz
» Intel Celeron Dual-Core T3000
   2x 1.8 GHz
» Intel Celeron Dual-Core T1700
   2x 1.83 GHz
» Intel Celeron Dual-Core T1600
   2x 1.66 GHz
» Intel Celeron Dual-Core T1500
   2x 1.87 GHz
» Intel Celeron Dual-Core T1400
   2x 1.73 GHz
» Intel Celeron Dual-Core SU2300
   2x 1.2 GHz

Porównywalne CPU

+ Intel Celeron 2961Y
   2x 1.1 GHz
+ Intel Pentium 2129Y
   2x 1.1 GHz
+ Intel Core 2 Duo SU9400
   2x 1.4 GHz
+ AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-58
   2x 1.9 GHz
+ AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-56
   2x 1.8 GHz
» Intel Celeron Dual-Core T1600
   2x 1.66 GHz
- Intel Celeron Dual-Core T1500
   2x 1.87 GHz
- Intel Pentium 977
   2x 1.4 GHz
- Intel Celeron 877
   2x 1.4 GHz
- AMD Athlon 64 X2 TK-57
   2x 1.9 GHz
- Intel Core Duo T2050
   2x 1.6 GHz
Klaus Hinum (Update: 2012-07-17)