Lenovo Yoga Book 9i 2-in-1 Dual Screen

Główny aparat: 5 MPix
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Średnia z 36 wyników (z 57 recenzji)
Recenzje dla Lenovo Yoga Book 9i 2-in-1 Dual Screen
Wszyscy widzieliśmy dwuekranowe laptopy Asus ZenBook i VivoBook, ale Lenovo idzie o krok dalej, całkowicie zastępując klawiaturę i clickpad 13,3-calowym ekranem dotykowym OLED. Rozwiązanie to sprawdza się w większości przypadków, o ile można sobie poradzić z ograniczonymi opcjami dostosowywania.
Źródło: Android.com.pl

Przetestowanie Lenovo Yoga Book 9i pozwoliło mi znaleźć odpowiedź na pytanie, czy w tym kształcie dwa ekrany są faktycznie lepsze niż jeden. Być może dla części osób odpowiedź na to pytanie byłaby twierdząca, ale ja do nich nie należę. Może wynika to z charakteru pracy, może z przyzwyczajenia, ale nawet gdyby cena tego urządzenia była niższa, chyba nie zdecydowałabym się na jego zakup. Co nie zmienia faktu, że jest to wysokiej klasy sprzęt, z dwoma znakomitymi ekranami, który przypadnie do gustu osobom celującym w wielozadaniowość. Jeśli do tej pory, aby wygodnie pracować na dwóch wyświetlaczach, musieliście podpinać przenośne monitory, to pokochacie Lenovo Yoga Book 9i. Oczywiście, jeśli jesteście gotowi na laptopa bez zintegrowanej klawiatury lub touchpada. Podejrzewam zresztą, że w tę stronę, co Lenovo z laptopem Yoga Book 9i, będą w przyszłości szli także inni producenci laptopów. Tradycyjne urządzenia tego typu są praktyczne, ale nudne. Składane, elastyczne ekrany (jak w Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold) się nie sprawdziły.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/05/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% cena: 60% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 90%
Źródło: Co Nowego

Yoga Book 9i to przepiękny, konwertowalny laptop z dwoma ekranami, bezprzewodową klawiaturą, rysikiem elektronicznym oraz oryginalną i składaną podstawką. Jego design jest absolutnie wspaniały i piękny – a jak się okazało – funkcjonalność także bardzo wysoka. Może nie bije rekordy pracy na baterii, ale powiem tak. Osobiście pracowałem i pracuje na dziesiątkach laptopów, doceniam fakt, że można się odpiąć od zasilania i przemieścić się gdzieś obok, ale w dalszym ciągu są to tylko krótkie wypady na spotkania, calle i inne wideokonferencje. 90 procent czasu moje laptopy są podłączone do zasilania, dlatego niespecjalnie przeszkadza mi fakt, że Yoga Book 9i ma większy apetyt na prąd. Bardziej przeszkadza mi jego wysoka cena – 10 999 zł.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 22/03/2024
Źródło: PurePC

Za takimi bardziej innowacyjnymi projektami, nadal w parze idzie ekstremalnie wysoka cena. Lenovo Yoga Book 9i kosztuje obecnie 12 999 złotych, a przez wykorzystane podzespoły, na pewno nie można mówić tutaj o dobrej relacji ceny do specyfikacji. Decydując się na zakup takiego sprzętu trzeba mieć świadomość, że pod względem wydajności nie będzie to top, nawet wśród ultrabooków. Obecnie Lenovo Yoga Book 9i to bardziej gadżet premium, który pokazuje rozwój technologii i umożliwia korzystanie z laptopa w bardzo nietypowy i niecodzienny sposób. Możemy tutaj liczyć na bardzo wysoką jakość wykonania, dobrą jakość audio czy fantastyczne ekrany OLED o blisko 100% pokryciu przestrzeni barw DCI-P3. Dołączone akcesoria pozwalają korzystać z urządzenia jak z typowego laptopa, tabletu lub nawet czegoś w rodzaju elektronicznej książki. Już z tego powodu Lenovo Yoga Book 9i zasługuje na wyróżnienie. To droga, by wręcz nie powiedzieć absurdalnie droga zabawka. Jednak z drugiej strony dająca sporo frajdy już podczas rzeczywistego korzystania.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 26/12/2023
Źródło: Tabletowo

Laptopowe origami – to według mnie najlepsze określenie Lenovo Yoga Book 9i. Trudno roztrząsać czy warto go kupić, czy nie, bo kwestia jest inna – jeśli kogoś na niego stać i będzie miał zachciankę, by wejść w jego posiadanie, to po prostu to zrobi. To doskonały pokaz sił Lenovo. Yoga Book 9i jest laptopem, który ma wskazać kierunek, w którym dwuekranowe jednostki będą zmierzały w najbliższym czasie. To projekt, który ma w nas wzbudzić emocje. I wreszcie to sprzęt, który nie jest jedynie prototypem, a urządzeniem, po które można wejść do sklepu i po chwili z nim z niego wyjść. Drogim, ale to bez znaczenia. Wierzcie mi, że znam sporo osób, które kupią ten sprzęt tylko po to, by móc zaszpanować przed publicznością na spotkaniu biznesowym, prezentacji przed klientami czy po prostu wśród ludzi w kawiarni.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 15/08/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Zagraniczne recenzje
Źródło: Zdnet.com

I really dig the Lenovo Yoga Book 9i. I love how futuristic the dual-screen design is, and I appreciate the upgrades Lenovo has made to performance and software stability. That being said, the Yoga Book 9i starts at $2,000, which is a lot of money. For the same price, you can get a lot of "boring" laptops with single displays that offer better performance, battery life, and portability. Dell's XPS 14, Apple's 14-inch MacBook Pro, and Lenovo's own Yoga 9i are just some examples., so you have to ask yourself whether you need two separate screens or if you can get by with one and take advantage of better performance and battery life.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 28/08/2024
Źródło: Tom's Guide

The Lenovo Yoga Book 9i is an intriguing device due to its unique dual-screen design, and its multitasking capabilities are ideal for folks with large workloads. If you’re like me and have a dual-screen setup at home, the ability to have such usage while outdoors can’t be understated. For some, the Yoga Book 9i could be a huge game-changer. Though exceptional, the Yoga Book 9i is admittedly expensive. If its price is too steep or you find the dual-screen design gimmicky, the $1,399 Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8 is a great 2-in-1 laptop worth considering. The $1,399 Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro 360 is also a decent alternative for those invested in the Samsung ecosystem.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 27/08/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Źródło: Root Nation

Deciding whether to buy the Lenovo Yoga Book 9i is challenging because it comes down to something different. If someone can afford it and wants to purchase such an unconventional device, they will simply go for it. First and foremost, it’s a fantastic showcase of Lenovo’s capabilities. The Yoga Book 9i is a laptop designed to mark the direction in which devices with dual screens will be heading in the near future. It’s a project meant to evoke emotions in us. Finally, this isn’t just a prototype; it’s a device you can go to the store and buy. Yes, it’s expensive, but when did that ever deter enthusiasts and fans? Believe me, I know many people who will buy this technology just to show off in front of colleagues at a business meeting, in front of clients during a presentation, or even among others in a cafe. Obviously, when the design of a dual-screen laptop becomes popular and a mainstream product, its perception will change. For now, it’s a novelty that deserves our attention. It must be acknowledged that the Yoga Book 9i has enormous potential.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 13/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 94% cena: 70% wydajność: 90% wyświetlacz: 100% mobilność: 100% wykonanie: 100% ergonomia: 90%
Źródło: Ben G Kaiser

The YogaBook 9i features dual screens, a digital keyboard, built-in pen, and more, making it a portable and unique choice. On the other hand, the Yoga9i focuses on performance with a single screen. We break down the benefits and differences between these two laptops, including benchmarks and real-world use cases. We also highlight their design, build quality, features, and connectivity options. So, if you're in the market for a 2-in-1 laptop, this video will help you decide which one suits you best. Check out the links in the description for pricing and availability. If you find this video helpful, please consider using our affiliate links to support the channel. Thanks for watching and stay tuned for more tech reviews and comparisons.
Porównanie, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 06/11/2023
Źródło: T3

The Lenovo Yoga Book 9i is one of the most interesting laptops we’ve reviewed in 2023. Or even in recent years, come to think of it. But it’s not going to be the most practical pick for many people. Our main complaint is it often doesn’t feel all that handy to use as a normal laptop when out and about. Working from a pure touchscreen interface? Not much fun. And while taking out the wireless keyboard improves matters a load, that’s not always ideal. Oh, and the glossy glass touchpad? Still rubbish. The Lenovo Yoga Book 9i shines brightest when working a bit like a dual-screen desktop PC that can be stashed in your rucksack. If that’s what you’re after then welcome to a slice of hybrid-laptop heaven.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 23/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 60%
Źródło: Mobile Syrup

Currently, the Lenovo website lists the Yoga Book 9i as "coming soon" with no price. However, it previously listed the Book 9i at $2,656 in Canada, though you could push that price higher by customizing it with extras like additional storage. While definitely expensive, it’s not significantly more than some high-end Windows laptops and 2-in-1s, notably Microsoft’s Surface Pro 9 and Laptop 5. For example, a similarly-specced Laptop 5 would run you $2,209.99, and a Pro 9 would cost $2,449.99 (and that’s before necessary accessories like the keyboard). The Yoga Book 9i’s price, thankfully, includes the must-have keyboard and folio accessories that allow the device to function at its best. Ultimately, I wouldn’t recommend the Yoga Book 9i as a device for working on the go, especially given its portability issues. That said, it offers a very unique PC experience and can outstrip the functionality of a traditional clamshell laptop when you’ve got it set up at your desk.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/09/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Źródło: USA Today

I’m skeptical of any laptop company that makes claims regarding how its product will improve my workflow; a lot of things are not made with neurodivergent brains in mind. But the Yoga Book 9i lives up to Lenovo’s claims and has been a better tool than I could have ever imagined for my unique brain. Efficiency isn’t just about how fast a computer can sort a spreadsheet with lots of formulas, but also how you can physically manipulate the device you’re using, to make your “organic chips” process information faster. That’s the Yoga Book 9i, a snappy machine that is both efficient in processing, power draw, and battery life, and can physically transform for a variety of use cases. Some of the closet alternatives you’ll find with some similar combination of price, specs, and features are the Apple MacBook Pro 13 M2, Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5i, and Acer Swift Go 16 , but none of them can do what the Lenovo Yoga Book 9i can do.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 21/09/2023
Źródło: Expert Reviews

Is the Lenovo Yoga Book 9i a gimmick or a game-changer? I would say the latter because the dual-display setup makes a lot of sense when you have a couple of high-quality and high-resolution OLED touchscreens, something previous laptops of this type lacked. If you need two screens and maximum portability then there’s nothing to compete with this ingenious machine. The Yoga Book isn’t just a one-trick pony, though: the excellent sound system and good battery life mean that even if you use it as a conventional laptop with the Bluetooth keyboard, you’ll still have an excellent user experience. For once, reinventing the wheel has resulted in a better wheel.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 19/09/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Źródło: Trusted Reviews

The Lenovo Yoga Book 9i is a unique device in this category thanks to its dual-screen design, but with a high price that can’t be ignored. You can be rightly sceptical over how such a laptop can be worth this much cash but it strikes gold as a way to carry two screens in your work bag. The range of modes isn’t the coup that Lenovo would like to sell it as though.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 15/09/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 70%
Źródło: Hot Hardware

The Lenovo Yoga Book 9i is a radical departure from a typical, clamshell laptop, and simply put, it is just fun to use. Though it is not the highest performing laptop we’ve seen, the dual 2.8K OLED touch displays, great webcam, solid speakers, stylus support, and innovative user interface all make for differentiated and high-quality computing experience. We could easily see this being an outstanding notetaking, drawing, design or general productivity laptop with far more screen real estate than you can get on any traditional notebook. As previously mentioned, the only ask that we might have is perhaps the inclusion of an SD card reader to complement the Thunderbolt ports to make loading photos and videos easier, but we understand why that might be excluded due to space constraints. Aside from that, what you see is what you get with the Lenovo Yoga Book 9i, with it's unique, useful dual display features.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 07/09/2023
Źródło: Engadget

As the first laptop to feature two displays, the Yoga Book 9i is a rather divisive machine. Starting at $2,000, not only is it really expensive, its performance is also slower than more traditional competitors in this price range. However, for people like me who constantly yearn for more screen real estate when I’m away from home, Lenovo has created something that is more than the sum of its parts. When space is limited, the Yoga Book 9i’s clamshell mode feels right at home on an airplane tray table. But when it's not, it can expand into a portable dual-screen workstation–complete with all the fixings of your desktop at home. And when you need to pack up, everything collapses into a neat, semi-self-contained bundle that fits in the smallest of laptop bags. The Yoga Book 9i is a nifty little transformer that’s more engaging than anything Michael Bay has directed in the last two decades.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 01/09/2023
Źródło: Geek Culture

All things considered, the Yoga Book 9i is a great execution by Lenovo. On top of a unique, versatile dual-screen design, it also offers users the convenience of a two-screen configuration on the go without having to lug around extra hardware. The provided accessories are thoughtful and do not add much bulk, so users can feel that they are getting good value after a significant investment into this laptop. With a $3,699 price tag, the device won’t be an easy buy for the average user, but if you can convince yourself to make use of the laptop to the fullest, it will definitely come in handy for a variety of situations.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 29/08/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 79% cena: 69% wydajność: 75% wykonanie: 80%
Źródło: Lowyat.net

Before I tried the Lenovo Yoga Book 9i, I assumed that the concept of a dual-display laptop was just a gimmick with more cons than pros. Now that I’ve been using it for a while, I’ve sort of bought into the idea of having just that much space without needing to hook up to an external monitor. Yes, the speaker could be better, but given that I personally mostly watch YouTube videos on my laptop, I’d say that it suffices. If you’re the kind that uses the built-in speakers on your laptop to watch films instead of using headphones or even just watching it on a TV, then this device’s speakers might disappoint you. I have no issues with the battery life as I don’t usually need to use my laptop outside for more than a couple of hours. That being said, the weight might be a minor annoyance for me while travelling, especially when coupled with the folio stand and keyboard.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 29/08/2023
Źródło: Engadget

While the idea of a dual-screen laptop seems like a far-out concept, with the Yoga Book 9i, Lenovo is proving there’s a lot of merit to its design. By including a bunch of bundled accessories including a stylus, a magnetic keyboard and a folding kickstand cover, the laptop can transform from a standard clamshell to a portable all-in-one in seconds. Its daul 13.3-inch OLED displays are punchy and bright and, despite having two panels instead one, battery life is pretty solid. The big issue is Windows because, while Lenovo’s hardware is solid, Microsoft’s OS isn’t quite ready for the dual-screen laptop revolution.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 25/08/2023
Źródło: Pocket Lint

The Yoga Book 9i is a laptop strange enough that the core question here is not "is it any good?" but "why the hell do you want it?" This isn't the niche foldable dream of a laptop-sized thing can can turn into a desktop-sized PC, because the two displays are very much separate here. Love the idea of a dual portrait monitor setup you can carry around with you, or like having one widescreen display sitting above the other? Awesome, the Yoga Book 9i is for you. For the rest of us, the Yoga Book 9i's awkwardness when used as a plain old laptop casts a shadow over the bold design, especially given how pricey this thing is. Still, there are plenty of highlights: great speakers, bold OLED displays, long battery life and a highly usable wireless keyboard - but exactly who'll enjoy them, and under what circumstances? The jury is still out.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 24/08/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 70%
Źródło: Ausdroid

The obvious answer to this is, do you have the budget? $4,749.00 is a huge price to pay for a laptop and you could easily get a couple of very good laptops with change at that price, so if you’re shopping on a budget, this isn’t the laptop for you. Where I see this will really hit the mark is with travelling workers who want to maintain productivity and content creators who need, and value screen real estate but don’t need discrete graphics for their work. The hardware is really good-looking, as well as being highly functional and a delight to use. In reality, there are a few gripes and depending on your use case, some will have an impact on you, whereas others will not. It’s impressive hardware and a game changing form factor; if you truly need the screen space on the go, this really is an absolute beast of a machine. I’d happily tell anyone that fits the market for this to go and grab one, because I just don’t see any way they’ll be disappointed.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 21/08/2023
Źródło: It Pro

The idea of taking a laptop and replacing the keyboard deck with a second display is not new. Acer tried it with the Iconia 6210, which was built around two 14-inch, 1,366 x 768 touchscreen displays back in 2010. I dimly recall fiddling about with one and thinking it was an answer to a question nobody had ever, or would ever, ask. When faced with a product like the Yoga Book, something that could just as easily be described as daft as revolutionary, it helps to be able to distil what it offers into a concise and simple sentence, so here goes: The Yoga Book is a Windows laptop with two displays. If you do not need two displays, there's no need to pay £2,000 for the Yoga Book when you can buy something like the Asus Zenbook 14 Flip for half the price. But the Yoga Book could answer your prayers if you need a mobile two-screen solution without all the palaver of a separate portable display, most of which are rather drab and dreary IPS affairs.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/08/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Źródło: Laptop Media

Speaking of gaming, the dual-screen gaming mode is something special. Both panels can be used to play optimized titles (Asphalt 9, Modern Combat 5, and Dungeon Hunter 5). We had some fun with Asphalt 9 and it is such a joy to utilize the second screen for on-screen controls and map visualization, while you can enjoy the gameplay on the main panel. If Lenovo continues to work closely with other developers in order to optimize more titles for Lenovo Yoga Book 9 (13IRU8), this can be a deal breaker for many of us. Thanks to the Lenovo Vantage app you can choose between different performance presets, many Audio modes, you can set Eye Care mode, etc. The Lenovo Yoga 9 User Center is the main event when it comes to software tweaks. This is a visual tutorial that can show you all the possible tricks and features of this machine.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/08/2023
Źródło: Techradar

There’s a certain finesse to how Lenovo pulled off the dual-display design on the Lenovo Yoga Book 9i. The laptop is incredibly elegant, and it’s just as capable, whether you’re doing general productivity work or editing a batch of high-resolution images in Lightroom. Its screens are gorgeous as well, and the extras offer a great alternative if interfacing with a virtual keyboard and a virtual trackpad is a little too futuristic for your taste. Beware of that steep price tag, however, and make sure to bring port adapters.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 01/08/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90% cena: 80% wydajność: 90% mobilność: 90% wykonanie: 90%
Źródło: Gadgetguy

The Lenovo Yoga Book 9i is a stunning device and, if you spend more time touching your notebook’s screen than typing on its keyboard, it might be the productivity king you’ve been waiting for. Two gorgeous OLED panels and the origami-style folding stand make for the most flexible of 2-in-1 designs. Lenovo has clearly put a lot of thought into making the dual-screen concept as practical as possible. By including a physical keyboard in the box, it flat-out acknowledges that typing on glass doesn’t suit everyone and is not a great experience. While the Bluetooth keyboard probably drives up the price, it in turn delivers a notebook that offers the best of both worlds. That said, considering the price tag, you’d need to have a use case where the dual-screen configuration offers a significant benefit to your workflow. You could pick up a decent notebook and a decent tablet for less, but the Yoga Book 9i could be your 2-in-1 to rule them all.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 31/07/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 87% cena: 80% wydajność: 85% wykonanie: 90%
Źródło: On MSFT

The Lenovo Yoga Book 9i is a very interesting and compelling new form-factor for situational use-cases. While it can be used in a more clamshell orientation and without all of the accessories it really shines when users can find their ideal posture and accessory set up. The Yoga Book 9i doesn’t beat an all-around traditional clamshell laptop or even a 2-in-1 detachable, but it improves upon the 2-in-1 convertible concept while also offering additional use-cases for niche experiences. As I mentioned, day traders, engineers, artists, C-suite level executives who deal in docs all day, lawyers, and others may find the trade off in price and traditional convenience worth a hyper-focused experience.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 24/07/2023
Źródło: The Verge

Two screens at the same time. That is the whole appeal of Lenovo’s Yoga Book 9i in a nutshell, as best as I can tell after using the device for a couple of weeks. The $1,999.99 9i, for the uninitiated, is a dual-screen clamshell touchscreen laptop that eschews the traditional keyboard deck for a second touchscreen on the bottom half. Lenovo has been experimenting with nontraditional laptop designs for years, from foldable ThinkPads to twisting laptops with E Ink displays and virtual keyboards, and it hasn’t always gone well. High prices, awkward software, and unconventional designs have kept them from really being anything you should buy. The Yoga Book 9i is not without some of those compromises. Still, it is Lenovo’s best execution of the dual-screen form factor and doesn’t feel nearly as much like an experiment as Lenovo’s earlier ideas.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 14/07/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 60%
Źródło: Ultrabook Review

I can appreciate the approach Lenovo took here with the Yoga Book 9i, and I think they really made a quality and interesting product. Thing is, this device is made for a limited clientele, so make sure you really want the two displays instead of a regular design with a built-in keyboard, as the format comes with some usability compromises that you have to accept and get used to.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/07/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Źródło: PC Mag

Two grand is pricey for an ultraportable, but the Yoga Book 9i is no mere ultraportable (perhaps why it sold out at Lenovo.com during our work on this review). Once you learn its myriad ways to work—and perhaps adjust your workstyle to rely on the real keyboard and mouse more often than the virtual inputs—it's a fantastic alternative to carrying a laptop plus an external second screen. Dual-screen designs have been tried before. Finally one has succeeded, and that's easily worth Editors' Choice recognition.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 30/06/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Źródło: Tech Advisor

The Yoga Book 9i is a successful experiment in dual-screen PC design that raises the bar for Lenovo’s competitors. Its slim profile, 360° hinge and attractive OLED screens are well-suited for both touch input and use with the included stylus. This versatility is a key strength, especially when combined with a great webcam, solid microphones and impressive speakers. However, the wireless keyboard and reliance on a virtual keyboard make the Yoga Book 9i frustrating to use as a regular laptop. Its high price tag almost means most people will be better off with something more tradition. But if you’re a frequent flier who’d like the flexibility of an extra monitor, or simply enjoy using a stylus, the Yoga Book 9i could be the right kind of weird for you.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 26/06/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 78%
Źródło: PC World

The Lenovo Yoga Book 9i is a successful experiment in dual-screen PC design that raises the bar for its competitors. Its slim profile, 360-degree hinge, and attractive OLED screens are well-suited for touch input or use with the included stylus. The wireless keyboard and virtual touchpad are frustrating, however, and can make the 2-in-1 frustrating when used as a laptop. The $2,000 price tag also guarantees the Yoga Book 9i’s appeal will remain limited. Still, if you’re a frequent flier who often uses a portable monitor, or a fan of using a stylus, Lenovo’s Yoga Book 9i could be the right kind of weird.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 22/06/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 78%
Źródło: Android Authority

If you’ve been dying for more screen real estate while on the go, then rest assured that dual-screen laptops are finally here in a refined and polished package. On the outside, the Lenovo Yoga Book 9i looks like a typical laptop, albeit a stylish one, built with sturdy aluminum and sporting a beautiful matte teal finish that is surprisingly good at resisting fingerprints. It’s only when you open it that you realize Lenovo has rewritten the rulebook for how you can station your screens. The Lenovo Yoga Book 9i sports two 13.3-inch 2.8K OLED screens that deliver decent color and contrast in a taller 16:10 aspect ratio. It’s a lot of screen space that runs with an average 60Hz refresh rate, but it really spreads its wings when you deploy it with the included folio stand.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 21/06/2023
Źródło: Laptop Mag

The Lenovo Yoga 9i is a standout convertible laptop that combines sleek design, powerful performance, and versatility in one package. With its impressive specifications, stunning display, a shockingly comfortable virtual keyboard, a super functional physical keyboard, and premium audio setup. The 9i caters to both productivity and entertainment needs. Whether you're a professional seeking a reliable document-pushing workhorse or a creative individual looking for a versatile companion that can handle light video editing, the Yoga 9i is an excellent choice that delivers on all fronts.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 19/06/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Źródło: Zdnet.com

The $2,000 Yoga Book 9i is available to preorder right now. Overall, it's a solid laptop, but one that you'll likely find yourself having to do a lot of mental gymnastics in order to use it without any of the traditional input methods. Lenovo took a chance with the Yoga Book 9i by not only building something that goes against what everyone thinks a laptop should be due to complacency but by actually selling it to customers. As I said earlier, it sure feels like something from the future. But that also means it feels very much like a first-generation product with some drawbacks. If you're someone who loves using new tech that's not fully baked, and you're in the market for a new laptop, then the Yoga Book 9i is worth considering. Otherwise, I'd wait a few generations for Lenovo, or another company for that matter, to work out the kinks of a dual-screen -- and only-screen -- laptop.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 16/06/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Źródło: MrMobile

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 11/06/2023
Źródło: Lon.TV

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 06/06/2023
Źródło: Tom's Guide

The Lenovo Yoga Book 9i is an intriguing device due to its unique dual-screen design, and its multitasking capabilities are ideal for folks with large workloads. If you’re like me and have a dual-screen setup at home, the ability to have such usage while outdoors can’t be understated. For some, the Yoga Book 9i could be a huge game-changer. Though exceptional, the Yoga Book 9i is admittedly expensive. If its price is too steep or you find the dual-screen design gimmicky, the $1,399 Lenovo Yoga 9i Gen 8 is a great 2-in-1 laptop worth considering. The $1,399 Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro 360 is also a decent alternative for those invested in the Samsung ecosystem. Price aside, the Lenovo Yoga Book 9i comes with my strongest recommendation for those who want a simple and portable dual-screen setup
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 05/06/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Źródło: Slashgear

Overall, this is an amazing machine to work with, especially if you have a multi-window workflow. From editing documents to research to task management, the utility that a second screen adds is almost priceless. The fact that you can use this as a normal laptop as well is just icing on the cake. But the overall package here is extraordinary. Lenovo didn't just slap together a couple of screens and push it out to the market. It put a lot of thought into how the laptop would need to be used, whether you're sitting in a cramped press room or airplane seat, or you have the ability to spread out at a coffee shop. It's the level of polish here that's significant.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 31/05/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Źródło: Digital Trends

To get the most out of the Yoga Book 9i, you’ll need to carry around a few extra components. But that’s OK, because they work well and create a laptop that can work as well traditionally as it does in dual-screen mode. There are tons of different utilities to get the most out of the displays, and for the most part, they work well. Only a few glitches mar the experience. It’s expensive, obviously, as many more experimental designs tend to be. So, if you’re actually considering buying this unique laptop, you’ll need to decide if improved multitasking is really worth the extra money. Owning a piece of tech this unique is fun at first, but once the shine wears off, the dual-screen multitasking is this laptop’s strongest value proposition.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 27/05/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80%
Źródło: Mobile Tech Review

We’ve seen several iterations of dual screen laptops over the years, each with significant compromises or crazy price tags, but Lenovo has gotten it right. This is a slim and lightweight 13.3” laptop with an Intel Core i7 CPU, ample RAM and storage, a 5MP webcam and 2 identical 13.3” OLED displays supporting pen and touch. It has 360 degree hinges and can be used with the hardware keyboard resting on the lower display or placed anywhere on the desk you like. For those who normally need a portable or desktop secondary monitor, the Yoga Book 9i might be ideal. The laptop comes with a very stable folding stand (portrait and landscape modes supported), Lenovo Bluetooth mouse and keyboard and pen.
Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 27/05/2023
Źródło: Chip.de

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 02/08/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 95% wydajność: 97% cechy: 97% wyświetlacz: 91% mobilność: 94%
Źródło: Chip.de

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 26/07/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 95% wydajność: 97% cechy: 97% wyświetlacz: 91% mobilność: 94%
Źródło: Gamestar

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 15/07/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 70%
Źródło: Xataka

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 15/11/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 85% wydajność: 80% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 88% wykonanie: 95% ergonomia: 70%
Źródło: Evo smart

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 17/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 83% cena: 70% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 80%
Źródło: Andrea Galeazzi

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo krótka, Data: 10/10/2023
Źródło: Clubic

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 18/10/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 70% cena: 60% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 90% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 80%
Źródło: Les Numeriques

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 08/09/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 60% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 60% wykonanie: 100%
Źródło: Frandroid

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 08/09/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 80% wydajność: 70% wyświetlacz: 80% mobilność: 70% wykonanie: 80%
Źródło: Phonandroid

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 06/09/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 50%
Źródło: DGL.ru

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 21/03/2024
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 90%
Źródło: DGL.ru

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 28/06/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 70%
Źródło: The Gioididong

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/07/2023
Źródło: The Gioididong

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 24/07/2023
Źródło: The Gioididong

Praktyczne, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Bardzo długa, Data: 12/07/2023
Źródło: Pemmzchannel

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Krótka, Data: 24/08/2023
Źródło: Jagat Review

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Długa, Data: 07/06/2023
Źródło: Mobil.se

Recenzja laptopa, dostępna wersja elektroniczna, Średnio długa, Data: 08/12/2023
Ocena: Łączny wynik: 76% wyświetlacz: 90%
Intel Iris Xe G7 96EUs:
Karty z tej kategorii są w stanie pociągnąć płynnie najnowsze gry, ale
nie ze wszystkimi opcjami i nie w wysokiej rozdzielczości. Szczególnie
wymagające gry chodzą tylko na minimalnych ustawieniach, w wyniku
czego często mocno cierpi jakość grafiki. Układy z tej klasy powinny
zainteresować osoby rzadko grające w gry.
>> Wiecej informacji w naszym Zestawieniu mobilnych ukladów graficznych and the corresponding Benchmark List.
i7-1355U: Mobilny procesor oparty na architekturze Alder Lake z 2 wydajnymi rdzeniami i 8 wydajnymi rdzeniami. Wydajne rdzenie oferują hiperwątkowość, co prowadzi do 12 wątków, które mogą być przetwarzane. Taktowanie procesora wynosi od 1,2 do 5 GHz. TDP określono na 15 W.
>> Więcej informacji w naszym Zestawieniu mobilnych ukladów graficznych.
>> Rozdzielczosc matrycy sprawdzisz na podstawie zestawienia pt. Rozdzielczosci poszczególnych matryc.
>> Wiecej informacji w naszym Poradniku kupujacego.