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Recenzja tabletu konwertowalnego Chuwi Hi10 Max - niedroga alternatywa dla Surface Pro z procesorem Intela

wyświetlacz 3K IPS. Chuwi wypuściło na rynek nowy Hi10 Max, niedrogi tablet z ekranem IPS, procesorem Intel i systemem Windows 11 Home. Za łączną kwotę 319 USD, pakiet zawiera również rysik i dołączaną podświetlaną klawiaturę. Nie należy jednak mieć zbyt wygórowanych oczekiwań co do wydajności i czasu pracy na baterii.
Convertible / 2-in-1 Intel Touchscreen Windows

Wraz z nowym Hi10 Max, Chuwi wprowadza na rynek niedrogie urządzenie konwertowalne z dołączaną klawiaturą i rysikiem. Napędza go procesor Intel N100 12. generacji w połączeniu z 12 GB pamięci RAM. Wyświetlacz IPS oferuje wysoką rozdzielczość 2,880 x 1,920 w proporcjach 3:2, a dysk SSD oferuje 512 GB pamięci masowej. W cenie 319 USD za kompletny pakiet (w tym tablet, klawiaturę i rysik), biorąc pod uwagę jego niską cenę, jest on przede wszystkim porównywany do tabletów Android.

Chuwi Hi10 Max (Hi10 Rodzina)
Intel Processor N100 4 x 1 - 3.4 GHz, 13 W PL2 / Short Burst, 13 W PL1 / Sustained, Alder Lake-N
Karta grafiki
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), rdzeń: 750 MHz, pamięć: 2000 MHz,
12 GB 
, LPDDR5-4000, Dual-Channel, soldered
12.96 cali 3:2, 2880 x 1920 pikseli 267 PPI, capacitive, LP129WT112684, IPS, refleksująca: tak, 60 Hz
Intel Alder Lake-N PCH
Dysk twardy
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe, 512 GB 
, 449 GB wolne miejsce
Karta dźwiękowa
Intel Alder Lake-N PCH - cAVS
1 USB 3.0, 2 USB 3.1 Gen2, USB-C Power Delivery (PD), 1 HDMI, 2 DisplayPort, gniazda audio: 3.5 mm Stereo
Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX101 (a/b/g/n = Wi-Fi 4/ac = Wi-Fi 5/ax = Wi-Fi 6/), Bluetooth 5.2
wysokość x szerokość x głębokość (mm): 9 x 287 x 209
36.5 Wh litowo-jonowy
System operacyjny
Microsoft Windows 11 Home
kamerka: 5 MP Front + 8 MP Rear (AF)
Primary Camera: 8 MPix
Secondary Camera: 5 MPix
głośniki: Stereo, klawiatura: Chiclet, podświetlanie klawiatury: tak, 36W PSU, Stylus, Keyboard cover, 12 miesiące(y) gwarancji
768 g, zasilacz: 135 g
369 PLN
Note: The manufacturer may use components from different suppliers including display panels, drives or memory sticks with similar specifications.


Potencjalni konkurenci w porównaniu

79 %v8
Chuwi Hi10 Max
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
768 g9 mm12.96"2880x1920
78.7 %v8
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
SD 7s Gen 2, Adreno 710
571 g7.52 mm12.10"2560x1600
74.8 %v8
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
Dimensity 7050, Mali-G68 MP4
615 g6.9 mm12.70"2944x1840
81.2 %
v7 (old)
v7 (old)
Teclast T65 Max
Helio G99, Mali-G57 MP2
710 g8.2 mm12.95"1920x1200
79.5 %
v7 (old)
v7 (old)
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1.6 kg21.2 mm11.60"1366x768

Obudowa i łączność

Hi10 Max to tablet bez wbudowanej podpórki. Chuwi wykorzystuje metalową konstrukcję, a ciemnoszara obudowa sprawia wrażenie wysokiej jakości, choć lekkie skrzypienie jest zauważalne, gdy urządzenie jest skręcone. Ekran może być również wyraźnie wciśnięty z odrobiną siły, ale nie wpływa to negatywnie na funkcjonalność. Normalne wejścia dotykowe nie powodują tego problemu. W zestawie znajduje się tylna pokrywa z wycięciem na kamerę, której dolna połowa mocowana jest magnetycznie do obudowy. Górną część można złożyć, by pełniła funkcję podstawki, co sprawdza się w praktyce i zapewnia dodatkową ochronę. Opcjonalna pokrywa klawiatury jest przymocowana do spodu, ale połączenie nie jest szczególnie stabilne i ma tendencję do szybkiego luzowania się.

Tylko 768 gramów składa się na grubość tabletu, która wynosi 9 mm. Po założeniu obu pokryw, całkowita waga wzrasta do 1375 gramów, co sprawia, że całość jest grubsza niż większość nowoczesnych laptopów o niecałe 2 cm. Kompaktowy 36-watowy zasilacz jest lekki i waży 135 gramów.

Jeśli chodzi o funkcje, Hi10 Max obejmuje najważniejsze elementy, w tym Wi-Fi 6 (choć 1x1), Bluetooth 5.2 i oczywiście porty USB. Oprócz dwóch portów USB-C, jest też port USB-A, który okazuje się bardzo praktyczny w codziennym użytkowaniu. Wyjście micro HDMI jest dołączone, choć wymaga adaptera. Tablet nie oferuje żadnych opcji konserwacji lub aktualizacji. Jeśli chodzi o kamery, przednia kamera 5 MP i tylny czujnik 8 MP z autofokusem rejestrują przyzwoite obrazy.

Porównanie rozmiarów

296.9 mm 213 mm 21.2 mm 1.6 kg305 mm 199 mm 8.2 mm 710 g293.4 mm 190.8 mm 6.9 mm 615 g287 mm 209 mm 9 mm 768 g280 mm 181.85 mm 7.52 mm 571 g297 mm 210 mm 1 mm 5.7 g
Po lewej: 2x USB-C 3.2 Gen.2 (10 Gbit/s, tryb DisplayPort ALT, Power Delivery), micro HDMI
Po lewej: 2x USB-C 3.2 Gen.2 (10 Gbit/s, tryb DisplayPort ALT, Power Delivery), micro HDMI
Z prawej strony: USB-A 3.2 Gen.1 (5 Gbit/s), 3,5 mm stereo
Z prawej strony: USB-A 3.2 Gen.1 (5 Gbit/s), 3,5 mm stereo
Góra: wyloty wentylatora, przełącznik głośności, przycisk zasilania
Góra: wyloty wentylatora, przełącznik głośności, przycisk zasilania
Dół: Port dla pokrywy klawiatury
Dół: Port dla pokrywy klawiatury
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX101
iperf3 transmit AXE11000
502 (min: 474) MBit/s ∼57%
iperf3 receive AXE11000
501 (min: 489) MBit/s ∼31%
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
iperf3 transmit AXE11000
528 (min: 438) MBit/s ∼60%
iperf3 receive AXE11000
1596 (min: 1524) MBit/s ∼100%
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
iperf3 transmit AXE11000
873 (min: 734) MBit/s ∼99%
iperf3 receive AXE11000
673 (min: 516) MBit/s ∼42%
Teclast T65 Max
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
iperf3 transmit AXE11000
371 (min: 344) MBit/s ∼42%
iperf3 receive AXE11000
314 (min: 269) MBit/s ∼20%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201
iperf3 transmit AXE11000
882 (min: 470) MBit/s ∼100%
iperf3 receive AXE11000
925 (min: 906) MBit/s ∼58%
Chuwi Hi10 Max; iperf3 transmit AXE11000; iperf 3.1.3: Ø502 (474-534)
Chuwi Hi10 Max; iperf3 receive AXE11000; iperf 3.1.3: Ø501 (489-505)
5 ∆E
2.5 ∆E
4.4 ∆E
5.9 ∆E
6.4 ∆E
2 ∆E
2.4 ∆E
4.6 ∆E
5.4 ∆E
0.8 ∆E
5.4 ∆E
3.5 ∆E
1.8 ∆E
5.5 ∆E
5.9 ∆E
2.4 ∆E
1.4 ∆E
3 ∆E
5.2 ∆E
2.5 ∆E
4 ∆E
2.4 ∆E
4 ∆E
11.6 ∆E
ColorChecker Chuwi Hi10 Max: 4.08 ∆E min: 0.78 - max: 11.61 ∆E

Urządzenia wejściowe - ekran dotykowy i podświetlana klawiatura

Pojemnościowy ekran dotykowy oferuje płynne przesuwanie i działa bez żadnych problemów. Dołączony rysik (H7, z 1024 poziomami nacisku i baterią AAAA) wygodnie leży w dłoni, choć nie można go przymocować do urządzenia. Klawiatura opcjonalnej pokrywy jest podświetlana, ale skok klawiszy jest krótki, a klawisze są nieco głośne. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, wrażenia z pisania są przyzwoite i lepsze niż korzystanie z klawiatury ekranowej. Dostępny jest jednak tylko układ angielski. Posiada dwustopniowe białe podświetlenie, co jest przyjemną funkcją. ClickPad jest dość mały, ale spełnia swoje zadanie.

Urządzenia wejściowe
Urządzenia wejściowe
Podświetlenie klawiatury
Podświetlenie klawiatury

Wyświetlacz - IPS o rozdzielczości 3K

Tablica subpikseli
Tablica subpikseli
Krwawienie z ekranu
Krwawienie z ekranu

Chuwi wykorzystuje 12,96-calowy wyświetlacz IPS firmy LG Philips o proporcjach 3:2 i wysokiej rozdzielczości 2 880 x 1 920 pikseli. Subiektywne wrażenie wizualne panelu 60 Hz jest ogólnie całkiem dobre, ponieważ treści są wyświetlane ostro z wystarczająco żywymi kolorami. Na jasnych powierzchniach występuje jednak niewielka ziarnistość spowodowana ekranem dotykowym i można zaobserwować niewielkie efekty zjawy, ponieważ czasy reakcji są nieco powolne. Widoczne są również aureole na ciemnych obrazach, ale PWM (modulacja szerokości impulsu) nie jest używana. Odbicia od błyszczącego panelu mogą stanowić problem na zewnątrz, ale stabilność kąta widzenia jest akceptowalna.

W naszych pomiarach przy użyciu profesjonalnego oprogramowania CalMAN, wyświetlacz osiąga średnią jasność ponad 400 cd/m² i wysoki maksymalny współczynnik kontrastu. Biorąc pod uwagę przedział cenowy, jest to całkiem imponujące. Preinstalowany profil kolorów wykazuje jednak zauważalny niebieski odcień, który udało nam się wyeliminować za pomocą naszej kalibracji (profil jest dostępny do bezpłatnego pobrania w ramce po prawej stronie). Udało nam się również znacznie zmniejszyć odchylenia kolorów, chociaż wartość 100% nadal nieznacznie przekracza docelową wartość 3. Dzięki prawie pełnemu pokryciu sRGB wyświetlacz nadaje się nawet do edycji obrazów.

podświetlenie ekranu
LP129WT112684 tested with X-Rite i1Pro 2
maksimum: 433 cd/m² (Nits) średnia: 413.1 cd/m² Minimum: 67.9 cd/m²
rozświetlenie: 88 %
na akumulatorze: 419 cd/m²
kontrast: 2328:1 (czerń: 0.18 cd/m²)
ΔE Color 4 | 0.5-29.43 Ø4.93, calibrated: 1.4
ΔE Greyscale 5.3 | 0.5-98 Ø5.2
68.5% AdobeRGB 1998 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
96.8% sRGB (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
67.2% Display P3 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
Gamma: 2.27
Chuwi Hi10 Max
LP129WT112684, IPS, 2880x1920, 13", 60 Hz
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
IPS, 2560x1600, 12.1", 120 Hz
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
LTPS, 2944x1840, 12.7", 60 Hz
Teclast T65 Max
IPS, 1920x1200, 13", 60 Hz
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
TN, 1366x768, 11.6", 60 Hz
Display P3 Coverage
sRGB Coverage
AdobeRGB 1998 Coverage
Response Times
Response Time Grey 50% / Grey 80% *
44.8 ?(20.8, 24)
25 ?(13.8, 11.2)
35.7 ?(19.2, 16.5)
46.7 ?(22.5, 24.2)
37.68 ?(19, 18.68)
Response Time Black / White *
19.8 ?(8.1, 11.7)
14.6 ?(9.3, 5.3)
22.7 ?(11.6, 11.1)
22.1 ?(12.8, 9.3)
20 ?(15, 5)
PWM Frequency
25000 ?(71)
Brightness middle
Brightness Distribution
Black Level *
Colorchecker dE 2000 *
Colorchecker dE 2000 max. *
Colorchecker dE 2000 calibrated *
Greyscale dE 2000 *
2.27 97%
2.265 97%
2.243 98%
2.204 100%
2.658 83%
7588 86%
7189 90%
7115 91%
7992 81%
8017 81%
Total Average (Program / Settings)
13% / -0%
-11% / -19%
-43% / -63%
-28% / -42%

* ... im mniej tym lepiej

Skala szarości CalMAN
Skala szarości CalMAN
Skala szarości CalMAN
Skala szarości CalMAN
Skala szarości CalMAN
Skala szarości CalMAN
Kalibracja skali szarości CalMAN
Kalibracja skali szarości CalMAN
Kalibracja skali szarości CalMAN
Kalibracja skali szarości CalMAN
Kalibracja skali szarości CalMAN
Kalibracja skali szarości CalMAN
vs. sRGB
vs. sRGB
vs. P3
vs. P3
vs. AdobeRGB
vs. AdobeRGB

Display Response Times

Display response times show how fast the screen is able to change from one color to the next. Slow response times can lead to afterimages and can cause moving objects to appear blurry (ghosting). Gamers of fast-paced 3D titles should pay special attention to fast response times.
       Response Time Black to White
19.8 ms ... rise ↗ and fall ↘ combined↗ 8.1 ms rise
↘ 11.7 ms fall
The screen shows good response rates in our tests, but may be too slow for competitive gamers.
In comparison, all tested devices range from 0.1 (minimum) to 240 (maximum) ms. » 39 % of all devices are better.
This means that the measured response time is similar to the average of all tested devices (21 ms).
       Response Time 50% Grey to 80% Grey
44.8 ms ... rise ↗ and fall ↘ combined↗ 20.8 ms rise
↘ 24 ms fall
The screen shows slow response rates in our tests and will be unsatisfactory for gamers.
In comparison, all tested devices range from 0.165 (minimum) to 636 (maximum) ms. » 74 % of all devices are better.
This means that the measured response time is worse than the average of all tested devices (33 ms).

Screen Flickering / PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation)

To dim the screen, some notebooks will simply cycle the backlight on and off in rapid succession - a method called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) . This cycling frequency should ideally be undetectable to the human eye. If said frequency is too low, users with sensitive eyes may experience strain or headaches or even notice the flickering altogether.
Screen flickering / PWM not detected

In comparison: 53 % of all tested devices do not use PWM to dim the display. If PWM was detected, an average of 8799 (minimum: 5 - maximum: 343500) Hz was measured.

W słońcu
W słońcu
Na zewnątrz (jasny dzień, bez bezpośredniego światła słonecznego)
Na zewnątrz (jasny dzień, bez bezpośredniego światła słonecznego)
Stabilność kąta widzenia
Stabilność kąta widzenia

Wydajność - Intel N100 i 12 GB RAM


Chuwi Hi10 Max jest zasilany przez Intel N100, procesor zwykle spotykany w mini PC. Jest on oparty na generacji Intel Alder Lake i posiada 4 wydajne rdzenie bez hiperwątkowości, z taktowaniem do 3,4 GHz. Może zużywać do 13 watów, co czyni go jednym z najszybszych systemów N100 w naszej bazie danych. Wydajność pozostaje stabilna nawet przy długotrwałym obciążeniu i podczas pracy na zasilaniu bateryjnym.

Dzięki 12 GB pamięci RAM, Hi10 Max oferuje wystarczającą wydajność do podstawowych zadań. Dzięki dyskowi SSD NVMe, system szybko reaguje na dane wejściowe i zapewnia wystarczającą ilość pamięci masowej o pojemności 512 GB. Zintegrowany procesor graficzny UHD Graphics dobrze radzi sobie z filmami w wysokiej rozdzielczości, ale urządzenie nie nadaje się do gier. W przypadku gier proszę pozostać przy prostych grach planszowych lub karcianych dostępnych w Microsoft Store.

Cinebench R15 Multi continuous test

Chuwi Hi10 Max Intel Processor N100: Ø476 (470.09-477.92)
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA Intel Processor N100: Ø237 (229.37-246.24)
Newsmay AC8F-POE Intel Processor N100: Ø295 (290.65-304.47)
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D Intel Processor N100: Ø330 (323.31-347.87)
Geekom MiniAir 12 Intel Processor N100: Ø472 (462.09-474.18)
CPU Performance Rating: Percent
Cinebench R23: Multi Core | Single Core
Cinebench R20: CPU (Multi Core) | CPU (Single Core)
Cinebench R15: CPU Multi 64Bit | CPU Single 64Bit
Blender: v2.79 BMW27 CPU
7-Zip 18.03: 7z b 4 | 7z b 4 -mmt1
Geekbench 6.2: Multi-Core | Single-Core
Geekbench 5.5: Multi-Core | Single-Core
HWBOT x265 Benchmark v2.2: 4k Preset
LibreOffice : 20 Documents To PDF
R Benchmark 2.5: Overall mean
CPU Performance Rating
Average of class Convertible
93.2 pt
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
43.6 pt
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
42.6 pt
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
39.1 pt
Average Intel Processor N100
38.6 pt
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro -12!
Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 2
37.4 pt
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
34.5 pt
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display -12!
MediaTek Dimensity 7050
34.1 pt
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
27.1 pt
Teclast T65 Max -12!
Mediatek Helio G99
25.5 pt
Cinebench R23 / Multi Core
Average of class Convertible
  (616 - 18070, n=60, last 2 years)
9917 Points +236%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
2983 Points +1%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
2949 Points
Average Intel Processor N100
  (1577 - 2983, n=8)
2449 Points -17%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
2203 Points -25%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
1946 Points -34%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
1577 Points -47%
Cinebench R23 / Single Core
Average of class Convertible
  (308 - 1970, n=60, last 2 years)
1601 Points +75%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
929 Points +2%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
914 Points
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
907 Points -1%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (747 - 942, n=8)
885 Points -3%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
843 Points -8%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
747 Points -18%
Cinebench R20 / CPU (Multi Core)
Average of class Convertible
  (242 - 6954, n=60, last 2 years)
3741 Points +233%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
1139 Points +1%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
1124 Points
Average Intel Processor N100
  (590 - 1139, n=8)
934 Points -17%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
842 Points -25%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
748 Points -33%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
590 Points -48%
Cinebench R20 / CPU (Single Core)
Average of class Convertible
  (149.8 - 755, n=59, last 2 years)
613 Points +76%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
353 Points +1%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
348 Points
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
346 Points -1%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (285 - 358, n=8)
338 Points -3%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
326 Points -6%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
285 Points -18%
Cinebench R15 / CPU Multi 64Bit
Average of class Convertible
  (110.1 - 2889, n=62, last 2 years)
1659 Points +247%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
479 Points 0%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
478 (470.09min - 477.92max) Points
Average Intel Processor N100
  (246 - 479, n=8)
385 Points -19%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
336 Points -30%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
298 Points -38%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
246 (229.37min - 246.24max) Points -49%
Cinebench R15 / CPU Single 64Bit
Average of class Convertible
  (68.6 - 287, n=59, last 2 years)
233 Points +56%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
152 Points +1%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
149.8 Points
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
146 Points -3%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (118.8 - 155, n=8)
143.8 Points -4%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
138 Points -8%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
118.8 Points -21%
Blender / v2.79 BMW27 CPU
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
1956 Seconds * -86%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
1522 Seconds * -45%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
1346 Seconds * -28%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (1017 - 1956, n=8)
1322 Seconds * -26%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
1051 Seconds *
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
1038 Seconds * +1%
Average of class Convertible
  (193 - 1059, n=56, last 2 years)
383 Seconds * +64%
7-Zip 18.03 / 7z b 4
Average of class Convertible
  (12977 - 72400, n=57, last 2 years)
41547 MIPS +220%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
13177 MIPS +2%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
12977 MIPS
Average Intel Processor N100
  (7532 - 13291, n=8)
11072 MIPS -15%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
10350 MIPS -20%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
8725 MIPS -33%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
7532 MIPS -42%
7-Zip 18.03 / 7z b 4 -mmt1
Average of class Convertible
  (3672 - 6493, n=57, last 2 years)
5198 MIPS +42%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
3780 MIPS +3%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
3672 MIPS
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
3635 MIPS -1%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (3046 - 3958, n=8)
3629 MIPS -1%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
3583 MIPS -2%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
3046 MIPS -17%
Geekbench 6.2 / Multi-Core
Average of class Convertible
  (3257 - 14267, n=33, last 2 years)
10215 Points +214%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
3282 Points +1%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
3257 Points
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
3133 Points -4%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (2283 - 3282, n=8)
2937 Points -10%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
2780 Points -15%
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 2
2616 Points -20%
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
MediaTek Dimensity 7050
2408 Points -26%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
2283 Points -30%
Teclast T65 Max
Mediatek Helio G99
1867 Points -43%
Geekbench 6.2 / Single-Core
Average of class Convertible
  (1216 - 2696, n=33, last 2 years)
2301 Points +89%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
1229 Points +1%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
1227 Points +1%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
1216 Points
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
1209 Points -1%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (1070 - 1245, n=8)
1195 Points -2%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
1133 Points -7%
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 2
1007 Points -17%
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
MediaTek Dimensity 7050
964 Points -21%
Teclast T65 Max
Mediatek Helio G99
711 Points -42%
Geekbench 5.5 / Multi-Core
Average of class Convertible
  (663 - 14016, n=60, last 2 years)
8419 Points +196%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
2896 Points +2%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
2845 Points
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
2829 Points -1%
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 2
2744 Points -4%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (1911 - 2896, n=9)
2598 Points -9%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
2332 Points -18%
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
MediaTek Dimensity 7050
2025 Points -29%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
1911 Points -33%
Teclast T65 Max
Mediatek Helio G99
1693 Points -40%
Geekbench 5.5 / Single-Core
Average of class Convertible
  (319 - 1981, n=60, last 2 years)
1619 Points +65%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
998 Points +1%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
996 Points +1%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
984 Points
Average Intel Processor N100
  (915 - 1018, n=9)
981 Points 0%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
975 Points -1%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
915 Points -7%
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 2
774 Points -21%
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
MediaTek Dimensity 7050
757 Points -23%
Teclast T65 Max
Mediatek Helio G99
531 Points -46%
HWBOT x265 Benchmark v2.2 / 4k Preset
Average of class Convertible
  (0.73 - 20.1, n=59, last 2 years)
10.9 fps +218%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
3.47 fps +1%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
3.43 fps
Average Intel Processor N100
  (1.72 - 3.49, n=8)
2.77 fps -19%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
2.51 fps -27%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
2.12 fps -38%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
1.72 fps -50%
LibreOffice / 20 Documents To PDF
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
129.6 s * -54%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
100.2 s * -19%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (67 - 129.6, n=8)
88.1 s * -5%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
84.3 s *
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
80.8 s * +4%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
72.9 s * +14%
Average of class Convertible
  (42 - 121.5, n=56, last 2 years)
51.7 s * +39%
R Benchmark 2.5 / Overall mean
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100
1.06 sec * -26%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100
0.975 sec * -16%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (0.822 - 1.06, n=8)
0.91 sec * -8%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100
0.889 sec * -6%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100
0.84 sec *
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100
0.831 sec * +1%
Average of class Convertible
  (0.4102 - 1.013, n=56, last 2 years)
0.52 sec * +38%

* ... im mniej tym lepiej

Cinebench R15 CPU Multi 64Bit
478 Points
Cinebench R15 OpenGL 64Bit
39.4 fps
Cinebench R15 Ref. Match 64Bit
97.8 %
Cinebench R15 CPU Single 64Bit
149.8 Points
Performance Rating
Average of class Convertible
100 pt
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
30.4 pt
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
24.8 pt
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
23.9 pt
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
19.9 pt
Average Intel Processor N100
19.5 pt
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
11.7 pt
AIDA64 / FP32 Ray-Trace
Average of class Convertible
  (468 - 25226, n=60, last 2 years)
9346 KRay/s +329%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
2179 KRay/s
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1685 KRay/s -23%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1646 KRay/s -24%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1449 KRay/s -34%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (837 - 2179, n=8)
1364 KRay/s -37%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
837 KRay/s -62%
AIDA64 / FPU Julia
Average of class Convertible
  (2644 - 106512, n=59, last 2 years)
47963 Points +321%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
11392 Points
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8977 Points -21%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8519 Points -25%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
7395 Points -35%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (4395 - 11392, n=8)
7127 Points -37%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
4398 Points -61%
Average of class Convertible
  (182 - 4764, n=59, last 2 years)
2270 MB/s +185%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
797 MB/s
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
595 MB/s -25%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
570 MB/s -28%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (307 - 797, n=8)
482 MB/s -40%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
476 MB/s -40%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
308 MB/s -61%
AIDA64 / CPU Queen
Average of class Convertible
  (10502 - 120368, n=59, last 2 years)
68176 Points +204%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
22512 Points 0%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
22413 Points
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
22407 Points 0%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
20636 Points -8%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (8663 - 22605, n=8)
17079 Points -24%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8704 Points -61%
AIDA64 / FPU SinJulia
Average of class Convertible
  (659 - 14835, n=59, last 2 years)
6595 Points +489%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1120 Points
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1114 Points -1%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1064 Points -5%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1019 Points -9%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (430 - 1120, n=8)
828 Points -26%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
432 Points -61%
AIDA64 / FPU Mandel
Average of class Convertible
  (1420 - 56839, n=59, last 2 years)
24311 Points +323%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
5749 Points
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
4415 Points -23%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
4222 Points -27%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
3732 Points -35%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (2217 - 5749, n=8)
3562 Points -38%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
2220 Points -61%
Average of class Convertible
  (1279 - 169089, n=59, last 2 years)
48638 MB/s +123%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
21774 MB/s
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
18389 MB/s -16%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (8421 - 21774, n=8)
12816 MB/s -41%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
11223 MB/s -48%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
9214 MB/s -58%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8439 MB/s -61%
Average of class Convertible
  (61.4 - 1088, n=59, last 2 years)
647 MB/s +197%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
218 MB/s
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
181.9 MB/s -17%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
161 MB/s -26%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
140.8 MB/s -35%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (81.7 - 218, n=8)
136.1 MB/s -38%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
82.5 MB/s -62%
AIDA64 / FP64 Ray-Trace
Average of class Convertible
  (254 - 13175, n=59, last 2 years)
4917 KRay/s +321%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1169 KRay/s
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
893 KRay/s -24%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
859 KRay/s -27%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
754 KRay/s -36%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (465 - 1169, n=8)
729 KRay/s -38%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
465 KRay/s -60%
AIDA64 / CPU PhotoWorxx
Average of class Convertible
  (5136 - 52599, n=59, last 2 years)
36132 MPixel/s +115%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
16824 MPixel/s
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
15527 MPixel/s -8%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
14376 MPixel/s -15%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (5384 - 16824, n=8)
10887 MPixel/s -35%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
9750 MPixel/s -42%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
6278 MPixel/s -63%
PCMark 10 / Score
Average of class Convertible
  (1486 - 7963, n=56, last 2 years)
5855 Points +81%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
3229 Points
Geekom MiniAir 12
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Lexar NM620 512GB
3183 Points -1%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Gofatoo 256GB
3147 Points -3%
Average Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
  (2786 - 3229, n=8)
3043 Points -6%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
2823 Points -13%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, AirDisk AFF 10-128G
2786 Points -14%
PCMark 10 / Essentials
Average of class Convertible
  (3975 - 12059, n=56, last 2 years)
10538 Points +46%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Gofatoo 256GB
7482 Points +3%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
7233 Points
Geekom MiniAir 12
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Lexar NM620 512GB
7198 Points 0%
Average Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
  (6068 - 7482, n=8)
6969 Points -4%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
6898 Points -5%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, AirDisk AFF 10-128G
6068 Points -16%
PCMark 10 / Productivity
Average of class Convertible
  (2764 - 10800, n=56, last 2 years)
7820 Points +54%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
5062 Points
Geekom MiniAir 12
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Lexar NM620 512GB
4886 Points -3%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Gofatoo 256GB
4861 Points -4%
Average Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
  (4167 - 5062, n=8)
4695 Points -7%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, AirDisk AFF 10-128G
4479 Points -12%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
4167 Points -18%
PCMark 10 / Digital Content Creation
Average of class Convertible
  (811 - 12360, n=56, last 2 years)
6762 Points +171%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
2496 Points
Geekom MiniAir 12
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Lexar NM620 512GB
2489 Points 0%
Average Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
  (2126 - 2497, n=8)
2340 Points -6%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Gofatoo 256GB
2327 Points -7%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, AirDisk AFF 10-128G
2161 Points -13%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
2126 Points -15%
CrossMark / Overall
Average of class Convertible
  (310 - 1912, n=56, last 2 years)
1471 Points +81%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
811 Points
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Gofatoo 256GB
791 Points -2%
Geekom MiniAir 12
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Lexar NM620 512GB
786 Points -3%
Average Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
  (706 - 839, n=7)
779 Points -4%
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
Adreno 710, SD 7s Gen 2, 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
747 Points -8%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, AirDisk AFF 10-128G
706 Points -13%
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
Mali-G68 MP4, Dimensity 7050, 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
656 Points -19%
Teclast T65 Max
Mali-G57 MP2, Helio G99, 256 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
549 Points -32%
CrossMark / Productivity
Average of class Convertible
  (389 - 1790, n=56, last 2 years)
1439 Points +66%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
866 Points
Average Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
  (779 - 905, n=7)
840 Points -3%
Geekom MiniAir 12
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Lexar NM620 512GB
837 Points -3%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Gofatoo 256GB
836 Points -3%
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
Adreno 710, SD 7s Gen 2, 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
814 Points -6%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, AirDisk AFF 10-128G
779 Points -10%
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
Mali-G68 MP4, Dimensity 7050, 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
747 Points -14%
Teclast T65 Max
Mali-G57 MP2, Helio G99, 256 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
621 Points -28%
CrossMark / Creativity
Average of class Convertible
  (252 - 2183, n=56, last 2 years)
1576 Points +107%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Gofatoo 256GB
768 Points +1%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
760 Points
Average Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
  (672 - 773, n=7)
727 Points -4%
Geekom MiniAir 12
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Lexar NM620 512GB
723 Points -5%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, AirDisk AFF 10-128G
672 Points -12%
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
Adreno 710, SD 7s Gen 2, 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
639 Points -16%
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
Mali-G68 MP4, Dimensity 7050, 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
546 Points -28%
Teclast T65 Max
Mali-G57 MP2, Helio G99, 256 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
454 Points -40%
CrossMark / Responsiveness
Average of class Convertible
  (295 - 1868, n=56, last 2 years)
1256 Points +56%
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
Adreno 710, SD 7s Gen 2, 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
917 Points +14%
Geekom MiniAir 12
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Lexar NM620 512GB
835 Points +4%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
806 Points
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
Mali-G68 MP4, Dimensity 7050, 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
771 Points -4%
Average Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
  (608 - 856, n=7)
763 Points -5%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Gofatoo 256GB
730 Points -9%
Teclast T65 Max
Mali-G57 MP2, Helio G99, 256 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
674 Points -16%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, AirDisk AFF 10-128G
608 Points -25%
WebXPRT 3 / Overall
Average of class Convertible
  (84.2 - 407, n=59, last 2 years)
266 Points +55%
Geekom MiniAir 12
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Lexar NM620 512GB
181.4 Points +6%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
171.4 Points
Average Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
  (156.3 - 187.4, n=8)
170.5 Points -1%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Gofatoo 256GB
170.4 Points -1%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, AirDisk AFF 10-128G
163.3 Points -5%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
156.3 Points -9%
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
Mali-G68 MP4, Dimensity 7050, 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
113 Points -34%
Teclast T65 Max
Mali-G57 MP2, Helio G99, 256 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
104 Points -39%
WebXPRT 4 / Overall
Average of class Convertible
  (49.4 - 283, n=57, last 2 years)
225 Points +68%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Gofatoo 256GB
138.3 Points +3%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
134.3 Points
Average Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
  (128.3 - 138.3, n=5)
133.5 Points -1%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, AirDisk AFF 10-128G
130.3 Points -3%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
128.3 Points -4%
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
Adreno 710, SD 7s Gen 2, 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
112 Points -17%
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
Mali-G68 MP4, Dimensity 7050, 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
107 Points -20%
Teclast T65 Max
Mali-G57 MP2, Helio G99, 256 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
87 Points -35%
Mozilla Kraken 1.1 / Total
Teclast T65 Max
Mali-G57 MP2, Helio G99, 256 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
1834.7 ms * -79%
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
Mali-G68 MP4, Dimensity 7050, 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
1263.6 ms * -23%
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
Adreno 710, SD 7s Gen 2, 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
1151.6 ms * -12%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
1122 ms * -9%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, AirDisk AFF 10-128G
1083 ms * -6%
Average Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
  (1004 - 1122, n=8)
1049 ms * -2%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
1025 ms *
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Gofatoo 256GB
1024 ms * -0%
Geekom MiniAir 12
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Lexar NM620 512GB
1020 ms * -0%
Average of class Convertible
  (468 - 2676, n=60, last 2 years)
655 ms * +36%

* ... im mniej tym lepiej

PCMark 10 Score
3229 pkt.
AIDA64 / Memory Copy
Average of class Convertible
  (16353 - 95631, n=59, last 2 years)
62729 MB/s +113%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
31917 MB/s +8%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
30676 MB/s +4%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
29473 MB/s
Average Intel Processor N100
  (8377 - 31917, n=8)
21466 MB/s -27%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
18620 MB/s -37%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
10663 MB/s -64%
AIDA64 / Memory Read
Average of class Convertible
  (12706 - 125359, n=59, last 2 years)
57487 MB/s +99%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
32913 MB/s +14%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
29183 MB/s +1%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
28905 MB/s
Average Intel Processor N100
  (8974 - 32913, n=8)
21721 MB/s -25%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
19509 MB/s -33%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
11626 MB/s -60%
AIDA64 / Memory Write
Average of class Convertible
  (10177 - 93451, n=59, last 2 years)
63853 MB/s +109%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
36423 MB/s +19%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
35073 MB/s +15%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
30591 MB/s
Average Intel Processor N100
  (8762 - 36423, n=8)
23677 MB/s -23%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
19528 MB/s -36%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
11728 MB/s -62%
AIDA64 / Memory Latency
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
139.9 ns * -156%
Average of class Convertible
  (7.4 - 173, n=59, last 2 years)
111 ns * -103%
Average Intel Processor N100
  (49.5 - 139.9, n=8)
82.5 ns * -51%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
67.6 ns * -24%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
54.6 ns *
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
50.7 ns * +7%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
49.5 ns * +9%

* ... im mniej tym lepiej

LatencyMon - Przegląd
LatencyMon - Przegląd
LatencyMon - sterownik
LatencyMon - sterownik
DPC Latencies / LatencyMon - interrupt to process latency (max), Web, Youtube, Prime95
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
30049.6 μs * -1501%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Gofatoo 256GB
2194.9 μs * -17%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
1877.2 μs *
Newsmay AC8F-POE
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, AirDisk AFF 10-128G
639 μs * +66%
Geekom MiniAir 12
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Lexar NM620 512GB
409.9 μs * +78%

* ... im mniej tym lepiej

Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
CDM 5/6 Read Seq Q32T1: 3313 MB/s
CDM 5/6 Write Seq Q32T1: 2674 MB/s
CDM 5/6 Read 4K Q32T1: 406 MB/s
CDM 5/6 Write 4K Q32T1: 297 MB/s
CDM 5/6 Read 4K: 52.9 MB/s
CDM 5/6 Write 4K: 97.7 MB/s
CDM 6 Write 4K Q8T8: 684 MB/s
CDM 6 Read 4K Q8T8: 1141 MB/s
Drive Performance Rating - Percent
Average of class Convertible
92.7 pt
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
66 pt
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
66 pt
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
11.9 pt
seq read
Average of class Convertible
  (321 - 4416, n=58, last 2 years)
2640 MB/s +32%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
1994 (1976.57min - 1994.39max) MB/s
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
1994 MB/s 0%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
121 (119.12min - 121.01max) MB/s -94%
seq write
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
2445 (2397.49min - 2444.58max) MB/s
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
2445 MB/s 0%
Average of class Convertible
  (195.5 - 4824, n=58, last 2 years)
2420 MB/s -1%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
43 (39.93min - 42.99max) MB/s -98%
seq q8 t1 read
Average of class Convertible
  (399 - 7152, n=58, last 2 years)
4473 MB/s +40%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
3188 (2827.38min - 3188.01max) MB/s
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
3188 MB/s 0%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
124.2 (121.22min - 124.15max) MB/s -96%
seq q8 t1 write
Average of class Convertible
  (215 - 5667, n=58, last 2 years)
3232 MB/s +20%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
2685 (2662.54min - 2685.07max) MB/s
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
2685 MB/s 0%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
46.7 (34.53min - 46.65max) MB/s -98%
4k q1 t1 read
Average of class Convertible
  (11.3 - 90.3, n=58, last 2 years)
57.5 MB/s +85%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
31.1 (30.87min - 31.11max) MB/s
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
31.1 MB/s 0%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
5.55 (5.17min - 5.55max) MB/s -82%
4k q1 t1 write
Average of class Convertible
  (48.4 - 398, n=58, last 2 years)
141 MB/s +39%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
101.5 (98.07min - 101.48max) MB/s
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
101.5 MB/s 0%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
1.23 (0.99min - 1.23max) MB/s -99%
4k q32 t16 read
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
1186 (1174.69min - 1185.55max) MB/s
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
1186 MB/s 0%
Average of class Convertible
  (156.4 - 3881, n=58, last 2 years)
954 MB/s -20%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
7.49 (7.35min - 7.49max) MB/s -99%
4k q32 t16 write
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
820 (795.47min - 820max) MB/s
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
820 MB/s 0%
Average of class Convertible
  (99.8 - 3537, n=58, last 2 years)
672 MB/s -18%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
1.5 (1.33min - 1.5max) MB/s -100%
Score Total
Average of class Convertible
  (394 - 8028, n=57, last 2 years)
3579 Points +112%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
1685 Points
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
1685 Points 0%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
799 Points -53%
Score Read
Average of class Convertible
  (186 - 3137, n=57, last 2 years)
1214 Points +131%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
525 Points
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
525 Points 0%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
383 Points -27%
Score Write
Average of class Convertible
  (116 - 3348, n=57, last 2 years)
1803 Points +98%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
909 Points
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
909 Points 0%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
247 Points -73%
Seq Read
Average of class Convertible
  (473 - 5684, n=57, last 2 years)
3505 MB/s +25%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
2802 MB/s
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
2802 MB/s 0%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
925 MB/s -67%
Seq Write
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
2263 MB/s
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
2263 MB/s 0%
Average of class Convertible
  (180 - 5229, n=57, last 2 years)
2071 MB/s -8%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
294 MB/s -87%
4K Read
Average of class Convertible
  (11.4 - 82.4, n=57, last 2 years)
53.6 MB/s +72%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
31.2 MB/s
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
31.2 MB/s 0%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
18 MB/s -42%
4K Write
Average of class Convertible
  (41.5 - 347, n=57, last 2 years)
162.5 MB/s +80%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
90.4 MB/s
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
90.4 MB/s 0%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
28.2 MB/s -69%
4K-64 Read
Average of class Convertible
  (126.9 - 2508, n=57, last 2 years)
811 MB/s +279%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
272 MB/s +27%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
214 MB/s
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
214 MB/s 0%
4K-64 Write
Average of class Convertible
  (38.4 - 2855, n=57, last 2 years)
1433 MB/s +142%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
592 MB/s
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
592 MB/s 0%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
189.6 MB/s -68%
Access Time Read
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
0.302 ms * -637%
Average of class Convertible
  (0.021 - 0.244, n=57, last 2 years)
0.08756 ms * -114%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
0.041 ms *
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
0.041 ms * -0%
Access Time Write
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
0.157 ms * -10%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
0.143 ms *
Average Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
0.143 ms * -0%
Average of class Convertible
  (0.017 - 0.561, n=57, last 2 years)
0.09839 ms * +31%

* ... im mniej tym lepiej

Reading continuous performance:/Disk Throttling: DiskSpd Read Loop, Queue Depth 8

Chuwi Hi10 Max; diskspd 2.0.17 f: Ø3198 (2892.06-3209.69)
3DMark Performance Rating - Percent
Average of class Convertible
100 pt
Average Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
18 pt
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
17.7 pt
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
17.7 pt
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
17.6 pt
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
16.8 pt
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA -1!
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
16.5 pt
3DMark 11 - 1280x720 Performance GPU
Average of class Convertible
  (471 - 40768, n=58, last 2 years)
8236 Points +447%
Average Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
  (1458 - 2233, n=13)
1542 Points +2%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1505 Points
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1489 Points -1%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1488 Points -1%
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1468 Points -2%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1458 Points -3%
1920x1080 Fire Strike Graphics
Average of class Convertible
  (365 - 29684, n=59, last 2 years)
6101 Points +415%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1217 Points +3%
Average Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
  (1080 - 1646, n=12)
1207 Points +2%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1198 Points +1%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1185 Points
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1122 Points -5%
2560x1440 Time Spy Graphics
Average of class Convertible
  (94 - 11749, n=58, last 2 years)
2130 Points +551%
Average Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
  (304 - 473, n=13)
331 Points +1%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
327 Points
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
322 Points -2%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
321 Points -2%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
321 Points -2%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
304 Points -7%
3DMark 11 Performance
1741 pkt.
3DMark Cloud Gate Standard Score
6786 pkt.
3DMark Fire Strike Score
1144 pkt.
3DMark Time Spy Score
376 pkt.
3DMark Steel Nomad Score
36 pkt.
3DMark Steel Nomad Light Score
254 pkt.
Blender - v3.3 Classroom CPU
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
3964 Seconds * -92%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
3015 Seconds * -46%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
2694 Seconds * -30%
Average Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
  (1992 - 3964, n=11)
2406 Seconds * -16%
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
2067 Seconds *
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
2028 Seconds * +2%
Average of class Convertible
  (326 - 2067, n=57, last 2 years)
689 Seconds * +67%

* ... im mniej tym lepiej

GTA V (2015) 57.7 46.6 6.88
The Witcher 3 (2015) 22
Dota 2 Reborn (2015) 77.9 50 20.2 18.8
Final Fantasy XV Benchmark (2018) 12.8 6.43 4.48
X-Plane 11.11 (2018) 23 13.8 12.8
Far Cry 5 (2018) 15 7
Strange Brigade (2018) 27.6 14.9 12.5 10.8

Emisje i energia

Wentylator jest dołączony do Hi10 Max, choć działa tylko czasami. Podczas codziennego użytkowania wentylator zazwyczaj pozostaje wyłączony lub pracuje cicho. Staje się głośniejszy tylko przy pełnym obciążeniu, osiągając wartość szczytową 33 dB(A). Jednostka testowa nie wykazywała żadnych innych odgłosów elektronicznych.


24.4 / 24.4 / 24.4 dB
24.7 / 33.7 dB
  red to green bar
30 dB
40 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
min: dark, med: mid, max: light   Earthworks M23R, Arta (odległość 15 cm)   environment noise: 24.4 dB(A)
dB(A) 0102030405060708090Deep BassMiddle BassHigh BassLower RangeMidsHigher MidsLower HighsMid HighsUpper HighsSuper Highs2040.543.3402533.232.929.53130.23128.5403129.331.15028.827.526.86327.626.526.18021.724.137.61002020.232.112519.820.82216017.218.418.120018.219.318.725019.119.820.631515.516.217.84001413.918.750013.21319.463013.112.919.880013.712.124.5100012.811.823.512501311.525.5160012.21123.5200011.811.123.5250011.611.420.8315011.811.622.8400011.811.918.1500011.911.918.663001212.116.58000121213.71000012.212.112.6125001211.912.21600011.411.311.6SPL24.724.433.7N0.60.61.8median 12.8median 12.1median 19.4Delta2.12.43.5hearing rangehide median Fan NoiseChuwi Hi10 Max
Chuwi Hi10 Max
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Rayson RS512GSSD510 512 GB PCIe 4.0 NVMe
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
Adreno 710, SD 7s Gen 2, 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
Mali-G68 MP4, Dimensity 7050, 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
Teclast T65 Max
Mali-G57 MP2, Helio G99, 256 GB UFS 2.2 Flash
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Micron MT 128GBCAV2U31
off / environment *
Idle Minimum *
Idle Average *
Idle Maximum *
Load Average *
Load Maximum *

* ... im mniej tym lepiej

Temperatury powierzchni Hi10 Max nie są problematyczne. Pod pełnym obciążeniem zmierzyliśmy maksymalnie 113°F na tylnej powierzchni, co może być zauważalne podczas przenoszenia, ale nie jest uciążliwe. Po założeniu tylnej pokrywy nie ma żadnych problemów. Podczas testu obciążeniowego z połączonym obciążeniem CPU/GPU, SoC krótko pobierał 19 watów, po czym szybko ustabilizował się na poziomie 15 watów.

CPU/iGPU - Dane testu obciążeniowego
CPU/iGPU - Dane testu obciążeniowego
w stresie
 41.4 °C45.5 °C44.6 °C 
 40.5 °C41.8 °C34.3 °C 
 36.1 °C38.6 °C38.2 °C 
maks. w ogóle: 45.5 °C
średnia: 40.1 °C
44.5 °C45.2 °C43.5 °C
40.4 °C41.7 °C41 °C
35.3 °C36.1 °C36 °C
maks. w ogóle: 45.2 °C
średnia: 40.4 °C
zasilacz  53.8 °C | temperatura otoczenia 20.4 °C | Fluke t3000FC (calibrated), Voltcraft IR-900
(-) The average temperature for the upper side under maximal load is 40.1 °C / 104 F, compared to the average of 30.2 °C / 86 F for the devices in the class Convertible.
(-) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 45.5 °C / 114 F, compared to the average of 35.3 °C / 96 F, ranging from 19.6 to 55.7 °C for the class Convertible.
(-) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 45.2 °C / 113 F, compared to the average of 36.8 °C / 98 F
(+) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 25.6 °C / 78 F, compared to the device average of 30.2 °C / 86 F.
(±) The palmrests and touchpad can get very hot to the touch with a maximum of 38.6 °C / 101.5 F.
(-) The average temperature of the palmrest area of similar devices was 28.1 °C / 82.6 F (-10.5 °C / -18.9 F).
Test naprężeń temperatury powierzchni (przód)
Test naprężeń temperatury powierzchni (przód)
Test wytrzymałości na temperatury powierzchni (tył)
Test wytrzymałości na temperatury powierzchni (tył)
Chuwi Hi10 Max
Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 2, Qualcomm Adreno 710
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
MediaTek Dimensity 7050, ARM Mali-G68 MP4
Teclast T65 Max
Mediatek Helio G99, ARM Mali-G57 MP2
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
Intel Processor N100, Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Maximum Upper Side *
Maximum Bottom *
Idle Upper Side *
Idle Bottom *

* ... im mniej tym lepiej

Dwa głośniki stereo są jednymi z najgorszych, jakie do tej pory testowaliśmy. Są bardzo ciche i brzmią wyjątkowo słabo. Zintegrowane głośniki należy zatem traktować bardziej jako rozwiązanie awaryjne, a zamiast nich zaleca się korzystanie z głośników zewnętrznych lub słuchawek.

dB(A) 0102030405060708090Deep BassMiddle BassHigh BassLower RangeMidsHigher MidsLower HighsMid HighsUpper HighsSuper Highs2043.340.92532.932.6313130.54029.332.25027.5276326.531.78024.123.310020.22112520.824.716018.422.620019.330.325019.835.631516.237.940013.943.75001345.463012.951.180012.159.7100011.859.5125011.559.816001156.4200011.158.1250011.460.7315011.662.3400011.967.5500011.959.2630012.149.980001242.51000012.141.31250011.942.31600011.336.3SPL24.472.3N0.625.1median 12.1median 45.4Delta2.412.234.838.434.737.924.629.626.528.32934.23127.517.525.116.931.11836.421.239.921.645.62253.923.557.616.456.917.562.717.565.416.372.115.376.112.876.111.271.811.265.611.867.412.264.412.766.813.167.713.660.814.558.115.263.415.966.216.754.426.8820.948.8median 15.9median 63.436.8hearing rangehide median Pink NoiseChuwi Hi10 MaxXiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
Frequency diagram (checkboxes can be checked and unchecked to compare devices)
Chuwi Hi10 Max audio analysis

(±) | speaker loudness is average but good (72.3 dB)
Bass 100 - 315 Hz
(-) | nearly no bass - on average 16.7% lower than median
(±) | linearity of bass is average (11.6% delta to prev. frequency)
Mids 400 - 2000 Hz
(±) | higher mids - on average 9.2% higher than median
(±) | linearity of mids is average (10.3% delta to prev. frequency)
Highs 2 - 16 kHz
(±) | higher highs - on average 11.4% higher than median
(-) | highs are not linear (15.3% delta to prev. frequency)
Overall 100 - 16.000 Hz
(-) | overall sound is not linear (37.6% difference to median)
Compared to same class
» 95% of all tested devices in this class were better, 2% similar, 3% worse
» The best had a delta of 6%, average was 21%, worst was 57%
Compared to all devices tested
» 94% of all tested devices were better, 1% similar, 6% worse
» The best had a delta of 4%, average was 25%, worst was 134%

Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro audio analysis

(+) | speakers can play relatively loud (82 dB)
Bass 100 - 315 Hz
(-) | nearly no bass - on average 19.3% lower than median
(±) | linearity of bass is average (11.4% delta to prev. frequency)
Mids 400 - 2000 Hz
(±) | higher mids - on average 6.7% higher than median
(±) | linearity of mids is average (8% delta to prev. frequency)
Highs 2 - 16 kHz
(+) | balanced highs - only 2.9% away from median
(±) | linearity of highs is average (7% delta to prev. frequency)
Overall 100 - 16.000 Hz
(±) | linearity of overall sound is average (19.8% difference to median)
Compared to same class
» 50% of all tested devices in this class were better, 8% similar, 42% worse
» The best had a delta of 7%, average was 22%, worst was 129%
Compared to all devices tested
» 46% of all tested devices were better, 7% similar, 47% worse
» The best had a delta of 4%, average was 25%, worst was 134%

Pobór mocy
wyłączony / stan wstrzymaniadarklight 0.67 / 0.71 W
luzdarkmidlight 5.4 / 8.9 / 9.2 W
obciążenie midlight 21.5 / 40.1 W
 color bar
Legenda: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Metrahit Energy
Currently we use the Metrahit Energy, a professional single phase power quality and energy measurement digital multimeter, for our measurements. Find out more about it here. All of our test methods can be found here.

Power consumption Cyberpunk / Stress test

Chuwi Hi10 Max; 1280x720 Prime95 28.10 and Furmark 1.25: Ø34 (32-40.1)
Chuwi Hi10 Max; Idle 150cd/m2: Ø6.77 (6.58-7.96)

Power consumption with external monitor

Chuwi Hi10 Max; Prime95 V2810 Stress (external Monitor): Ø27.4 (26.7-29)
Chuwi Hi10 Max; Cinebench R15 Multi (external Monitor): Ø25.9 (25.1-26.9)
Chuwi Hi10 Max; Cinebench R23 Single (external Monitor): Ø16.6 (15-19.8)
Chuwi Hi10 Max; Cinebench R23 Multi (external Monitor): Ø24.4 (22.2-25.6)
Chuwi Hi10 Max; 1280x720 FurMark 1.19 GPU Stress Test (external Monitor): Ø13.7 (12.3-14.7)
Chuwi Hi10 Max; Idle 1min (external Monitor): Ø5.87 (5.68-6.68)

Żywotność baterii jest słabym punktem Hi10 Max, a inne porównywalne urządzenia są pod tym względem znacznie lepsze. W naszym teście Wi-Fi z jasnością 150 cd/m² (odpowiednik 28% maksymalnej jasności na urządzeniu testowym), wytrzymał on tylko 5,5 godziny i tylko 4 godziny przy pełnej jasności.

Wydajność akumulatora
WiFi Websurfing
5h 26min
WiFi Websurfing max. Brightness
4h 04min
Chuwi Hi10 Max
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), 36.5 Wh
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
SD 7s Gen 2, Adreno 710,  Wh
Lenovo Tab P12 matte display
Dimensity 7050, Mali-G68 MP4,  Wh
Teclast T65 Max
Helio G99, Mali-G57 MP2,  Wh
Asus BR1104CGA-N00007XA
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), 50 Wh
Average of class Convertible
Czasy pracy
WiFi v1.3


+ jasny wyświetlacz IPS
+ USB-C, USB-A i Wi-Fi 6
+ obsługa rysika
+ pokrywa klawiatury z podświetleniem
+ dobre kamery


- krótka żywotność baterii
- bardzo słabe głośniki
- brak opcji konserwacji
- Tylko angielski układ klawiatury

Fazit - Elastyczny kabriolet z systemem Windows o ograniczonej wytrzymałości

W recenzji: Chuwi Hi10 Max. Urządzenie testowe dostarczone przez Chuwi
W recenzji: Chuwi Hi10 Max. Urządzenie testowe dostarczone przez Chuwi

Chuwi Hi10 Max to niedrogi tablet/konwertowalny, który pod względem ceny konkuruje z tabletami Android. Dzięki systemowi Windows urządzenie jest bardzo wszechstronne, a procesor Intel N100 zapewnia wystarczającą wydajność do podstawowych codziennych zadań. Dodatkowo posiada duży dysk SSD. Jasny ekran IPS, podświetlana klawiatura i wprowadzanie danych za pomocą pióra to również godne uwagi zalety. Na pokładzie znalazło się wiele portów, w tym standardowy port USB-A, który jest bardzo praktyczny w codziennym użytkowaniu. Byliśmy mile zaskoczeni jakością wyświetlacza IPS, biorąc pod uwagę przedział cenowy, choć w miarę możliwości przydałaby mu się kalibracja.

Chuwi oferuje niedrogi tablet konwertowalny Hi10 Max, który jest bardzo wszechstronny dzięki procesorowi Intel i systemowi Windows. Żywotność baterii jest jednak krótka, a głośniki są rozczarowujące.

Istnieją wyraźne wady w porównaniu do konkurencji Android, zwłaszcza pod względem czasu pracy. Głośniki stereo nie są imponujące i nie ma dostępnych opcji konserwacji. W tym przedziale cenowym nie ma prawdziwych konkurentów Windows. Na przykład Surface Go 4, który jest wyposażony w szybszy procesor Intel N200, jest znacznie droższy - nawet bez pokrywy klawiatury.

Cena i dostępność

Chuwi Hi10 Max można zamówić bezpośrednio w sklepie Chuwi.

Chuwi Hi10 Max - 13/10/2024 v8
Andreas Osthoff

75 / 98 → 77%
52 / 74 → 70%
79 / 20-75 → 100%
Wydajność w grach
8 / 65 → 12%
Wydajność w programach użytkowych
63 / 92 → 69%
47 / 91 → 52%
59 / 75 → 79%
Convertible - Ważona średnia
CO2 Emissions
No Data
Power Use
Software Updates
Total Sustainability Score: 29.4%


The selection of devices to be reviewed is made by our editorial team. The test sample was provided to the author as a loan by the manufacturer or retailer for the purpose of this review. The lender had no influence on this review, nor did the manufacturer receive a copy of this review before publication. There was no obligation to publish this review. We never accept compensation or payment in return for our reviews. As an independent media company, Notebookcheck is not subjected to the authority of manufacturers, retailers or publishers.

This is how Notebookcheck is testing

Every year, Notebookcheck independently reviews hundreds of laptops and smartphones using standardized procedures to ensure that all results are comparable. We have continuously developed our test methods for around 20 years and set industry standards in the process. In our test labs, high-quality measuring equipment is utilized by experienced technicians and editors. These tests involve a multi-stage validation process. Our complex rating system is based on hundreds of well-founded measurements and benchmarks, which maintains objectivity. Further information on our test methods can be found here.

Price comparison

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> laptopy testy i recenzje notebooki > Laptopy > Recenzja tabletu konwertowalnego Chuwi Hi10 Max - niedroga alternatywa dla Surface Pro z procesorem Intela
Andreas Osthoff, 2024-10-16 (Update: 2024-10-16)