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Recenzja mini PC Nipogi AD08: Stylowy komputer z procesorem Intel Core i7-12650H ma konstrukcję mini-tower i trzy tryby zasilania

Więcej iluzji niż rzeczywistości.

NiPoGi wyposażyło swojego AD08 w procesor Intel Core i7-12650H, który zapewnia wydajność wystarczającą do opanowania codziennych zadań biurowych. Jako kompaktowy komputer do gier w formacie wieży, producent poszedł nieco inną drogą, jeśli chodzi o jego konstrukcję. W tej recenzji mogą Państwo przeczytać o tym, jakie zalety wynikają z tego rozwiązania i jak dobrze NiPoGi AD08 wypada w porównaniu z podobnie wyposażonymi mini PC.
Desktop Mini PC Intel Alder Lake

Wybór dostępnych komputerów mini PC, które przeznaczone są do codziennej pracy biurowej na miejscu lub w domu, stale rośnie. Nipogi AD08 jest jednak dość ciekawym urządzeniem, przyciągającym uwagę ze względu na swój oszałamiający wygląd. Wizualnie, AD08 przypomina konwencjonalne komputery typu tower, a co za tym idzie, nie jest duży i nieporęczny. Wewnątrz znajduje się procesor Intel Core i7-12650H z serii Alder-Lake. Użytkownik będzie musiał zadowolić się pamięcią RAM DDR4, jednak producent przeznaczył na nią aż 32 GB. Komputer wyposażono w dysk SSD NVMe o pojemności 512 GB, który prawdopodobnie będzie wystarczający dla większości użytkowników biurowych.

Obecnie mogą Państwo znaleźć Nipogi AD08 już za 460 USD. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, nie możemy powiedzieć zbyt wiele o cenie urządzenia, ponieważ konkurencję można zwykle kupić za podobną kwotę. Niemniej jednak możemy śmiało powiedzieć, że jego MRSP wynoszący około 740 USD jest w naszych oczach zbyt wygórowany. Szczególną cechą Nipogi jest podświetlenie RGB, a także możliwość zmiany wydajności procesora podczas użytkowania za pomocą pokrętła sterującego. W naszym teście omówimy bardziej szczegółowo trzy tryby (cichy, automatyczny i wydajnościowy).

W tej recenzji wybraliśmy szereg podobnie kompaktowych komputerów stacjonarnych, aby działały jako urządzenia porównawcze. Przegląd znajdą Państwo w poniższej tabeli.

dobry (78%) NiPoGi AD08 Intel Core i7-12650HUHD Graphics 64EUs Mini PC - 02/01/2024 - v7
Urządzenie testowe dzięki uprzejmości NiPoGi
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Nipogi AD08 (Performance)
Intel Core i7-12650H 10 x 1.7 - 4.7 GHz, 65 W PL2 / Short Burst, 45 W PL1 / Sustained, Alder Lake-H
32 GB 
, DDR4-3200, max. 64 GB
Intel Alder Lake-P PCH
Dysk twardy
Netac NS512GSSD530, 512 GB 
, 430 GB wolne miejsce
Karta dźwiękowa
Intel Alder Lake-P PCH - cAVS (Audio, Voice, Speech)
5 USB 3.1 Gen2, 2 HDMI, 1 DisplayPort, 1 blokada Kensingtona, gniazda audio: 3.5mm
Realtek RTL8168/8111 Gigabit-LAN (10/100/1000MBit/s), Realtek RTL8852BE (b/g/n = Wi-Fi 4/ac = Wi-Fi 5/ax = Wi-Fi 6/), Bluetooth 5.2
wysokość x szerokość x głębokość (mm): 188.5 x 77.8 x 146.9
System operacyjny
Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
120 Watt Power Adapter
878 g, zasilacz: 440 g
679 EUR
Uwaga: Producent może używać komponentów pochodzących od różnych dostawców, w tym paneli wyświetlaczy, napędów lub kart pamięci o podobnych specyfikacjach.


Potencjalni konkurenci w porównaniu

78.4 %
v7 (old)
NiPoGi AD08
i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
878 g32768 MB
81.3 %
v7 (old)
NiPoGi AD08
i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
878 g32768 MB
79.9 %
v7 (old)
NiPoGi AD08
i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
878 g32768 MB
87.3 %
v7 (old)
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
R7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
750 g32768 MB
81.9 %
v7 (old)
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
616 g16384 MB
81.7 %
v7 (old)
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
604 g16384 MB
81.2 %
v7 (old)
Geekom A5
R7 5800H, Vega 8
555 g32768 MB
79.5 %
v7 (old)
Geekom Mini IT12
i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
572 g16384 MB
78 %
v7 (old)
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
545 g16384 MB
77.8 %
v7 (old)
Acemagic AD15
i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
765 g16384 MB
77.2 %
v7 (old)
NiPoGi CK10
i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
481 g16384 MB

Nipogi AD08 w szczegółach

NiPoGi AD08
NiPoGi AD08
NiPoGi AD08
NiPoGi AD08
NiPoGi AD08
NiPoGi AD08
NiPoGi AD08
NiPoGi AD08
NiPoGi AD08
NiPoGi AD08
NiPoGi AD08
NiPoGi AD08
NiPoGi AD08
NiPoGi AD08
NiPoGi AD08
NiPoGi AD08 - SSD
NiPoGi AD08 - RAM


Wygląd zewnętrzny urządzenia przypomina komputer typu tower. Przy wysokości zaledwie 19 centymetrów, Nipogi AD08 jest bardzo kompaktowy i można go łatwo umieścić na biurku. Jego jakość wykonania jest dobra, chociaż materiały są ograniczone do plastiku, co oznacza, że nie podobało nam się to, jak komputer czuje się tak samo jak niektóre inne urządzenia. Aby uzyskać dostęp do pamięci RAM lub dysku SSD, można łatwo zdjąć prawą stronę obudowy (patrząc od przodu). Niestety, producent nie przewidział takiego rozwiązania po drugiej stronie, co znacznie ułatwiłoby czyszczenie wentylatorów.


Nipogi AD08 posiada prosty wybór portów zewnętrznych. Są one rozmieszczone z przodu i z tyłu urządzenia. W sumie ma cztery porty USB typu A, co powinno wystarczyć większości użytkowników. Ekrany można podłączyć za pomocą dwóch portów HDMI zainstalowanych z tyłu lub przez złącze USB-C z przodu. Komputer nie jest wyposażony w port USB4 ani Thunderbolt.

Przód: 3,5-mm jack, 2x USB 3.2 Type-A, USB Type-C
Przód: 3,5-mm jack, 2x USB 3.2 Type-A, USB Type-C
Tył: 2x USB 3.2 Type-A, 2x HDMI, RJ45, złącze zasilania
Tył: 2x USB 3.2 Type-A, 2x HDMI, RJ45, złącze zasilania


Moduł WLAN
Moduł WLAN

Nipogi zainstalowało w AD08 Pro moduł Wi-Fi 6 firmy Realtek. Model ten działa w pasmach częstotliwości 2,4 GHz i 5 GHz, a w naszym teście osiągnął jedynie średnią wydajność. Nie sklasyfikowalibyśmy jednak tych wyników jako złych, ponieważ są one więcej niż wystarczające do codziennego użytku. W naszym teście wykorzystaliśmy nasz router testowy Asus ROG Rapture GT-AXE11000. AD08 oferuje nieco szybsze połączenia danych za pośrednictwem portu LAN. Korzystając z niego, można osiągnąć prędkość transferu danych do 1 GBit/s.

iperf3 receive AXE11000
Geekom A5
Realtek RTL8852BE
946 (856min - 970max) MBit/s +5%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (267 - 1796, n=109, ostatnie 2 lata)
946 MBit/s +5%
NiPoGi CK10
Realtek RTL8852BE
940 (924min - 961max) MBit/s +4%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Intel Killer Wi-Fi 6E AX1675x (210NGW)
934 (915min - 943max) MBit/s +3%
NiPoGi AD08
Realtek RTL8852BE
903 (857min - 934max) MBit/s
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
MediaTek RZ608
902 (865min - 926max) MBit/s 0%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX211
878 (859min - 909max) MBit/s -3%
Przeciętny Realtek RTL8852BE
  (455 - 985, n=53)
860 MBit/s -5%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
MediaTek RZ608
795 (753min - 805max) MBit/s -12%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
MediaTek RZ608
787 (752min - 801max) MBit/s -13%
Acemagic AD15
Realtek RTL8852BE
721 (696min - 743max) MBit/s -20%
iperf3 transmit AXE11000
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
MediaTek RZ608
951 (864min - 1006max) MBit/s +61%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (251 - 1776, n=109, ostatnie 2 lata)
877 MBit/s +48%
Geekom A5
Realtek RTL8852BE
834 (730min - 861max) MBit/s +41%
NiPoGi CK10
Realtek RTL8852BE
801 (770min - 825max) MBit/s +36%
Przeciętny Realtek RTL8852BE
  (536 - 926, n=52)
794 MBit/s +34%
Acemagic AD15
Realtek RTL8852BE
730 (707min - 753max) MBit/s +24%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Intel Killer Wi-Fi 6E AX1675x (210NGW)
729 (668min - 784max) MBit/s +23%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
MediaTek RZ608
724 (606min - 852max) MBit/s +23%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
MediaTek RZ608
626 (301min - 689max) MBit/s +6%
NiPoGi AD08
Realtek RTL8852BE
591 (322min - 790max) MBit/s
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX211
464 (231min - 475max) MBit/s -21%
NiPoGi AD08 Realtek RTL8852BE; iperf3 receive AXE11000; iperf 3.1.3: Ø902 (857-934)
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5 MediaTek RZ608; iperf3 receive AXE11000; iperf 3.1.3: Ø902 (865-926)
NiPoGi AD08 Realtek RTL8852BE; iperf3 transmit AXE11000; iperf 3.1.3: Ø581 (322-790)
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5 MediaTek RZ608; iperf3 transmit AXE11000; iperf 3.1.3: Ø951 (864-1006)


Komputer Nipogi można otworzyć z prawej strony bez konieczności użycia jakichkolwiek narzędzi. Jednak przez to wejście można uzyskać dostęp tylko do już zainstalowanych komponentów, takich jak pamięć RAM i dysk SSD. Moduł WLAN znajduje się dalej wewnątrz i nie można uzyskać do niego bezpośredniego dostępu. To samo można powiedzieć o jednostce chłodzącej. Z drugiej strony nie jest to zbyt duży problem, ponieważ wszystkie śruby są łatwo dostępne. W obecnej konfiguracji jest miejsce na jeszcze jedno urządzenie pamięci masowej.

Nipogi AD08 z otwartym bokiem
Nipogi AD08 z otwartym bokiem
Nipogi AD08 z otwartym bokiem
Jednostka chłodząca Nipogi AD08
Jednostka chłodząca Nipogi AD08
Jednostka chłodząca Nipogi AD08

Wydajność - Alder Lake H z 10 rdzeniami

Nipogi AD08 jest dobrze wyposażony w procesor Intel Core i7-12650H jeśli mają Państwo na uwadze jego przeznaczenie. Pamięć RAM DDR4 o pojemności 32 GB jest wystarczająca i raczej nie napotkają Państwo konieczności szybkiej aktualizacji.


Warunki testowania

We wszystkich testach wydajności zastosowaliśmy profil energetyczny "najwyższa wydajność". Odstępstwa od tego były dokonywane tylko podczas pomiarów mocy i emisji hałasu zgodnie z naszymi kryteriami testowymi. Ponadto należy zauważyć, że wszystkie testy wydajności przeprowadziliśmy przy użyciu trzech różnych trybów "cichy", "automatyczny" i "wydajność".

Tryb Moc PL1 Moc PL2
Cichy 25 watów 35 watów
Auto 35 watów 45 watów
Wydajność 45 watów 65 watów


Intel Core i7-12650H (źródło: Nipogi)
Intel Core i7-12650H (źródło: Nipogi)

Nipogi AD08 jest wyposażony w procesor Intel Core i7-12650H. SoC posiada łącznie dziesięć natywnych rdzeni obliczeniowych i może przetwarzać 16 wątków jednocześnie. Podczas naszych testów odnotowaliśmy solidną wydajność, która jednak nie wystarczyła do pokonania Minisforum Venus Series NAB6. System chłodzenia konkurenta wydaje się być bardziej efektywny, co prowadzi do tego, że procesor zapewnia nieco lepszą wydajność. W połączonym porównaniu wszystkich benchmarków CPU, nasza próbka testowa wypadła jednak tylko o 4 procent gorzej. Korzystanie z trybów "automatycznego" i "cichego" prowadzi do zauważalnego dławienia Intel Core i7-12650H. Mimo to, wydajność procesora jest wystarczająca do codziennych zadań.

Aby uzyskać więcej porównań i testów porównawczych, proszę spojrzeć na naszą Tabela porównawcza procesorów.

Cinebench R15
Cinebench R15
Cinebench R20
Cinebench R20
Cinebench R23
Cinebench R23
Cinebench 2024
Cinebench 2024
Performance Rating - Percent
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
55 pt
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
52.3 pt
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
49.6 pt
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
47.4 pt
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
45.8 pt
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
45.1 pt
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
44.9 pt
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
44.5 pt
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
44.4 pt
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
43.3 pt
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
39.7 pt
Cinebench R23
Single Core
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
1804 Points +2%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
1779 Points +1%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
1775 Points +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
1761 Points
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
1667 Points -5%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
1663 Points -6%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
1659 Points -6%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
1651 Points -6%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
1496 Points -15%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
1428 Points -19%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
1405 Points -20%
Multi Core
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
16706 Points +66%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
13542 Points +34%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
12072 Points +20%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
10819 Points +7%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
10082 Points
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
9503 Points -6%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
9134 Points -9%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
8511 Points -16%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
8361 Points -17%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
8129 Points -19%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
5362 Points -47%
Cinebench R20
CPU (Single Core)
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
696 Points +3%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
690 Points +2%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
687 Points +2%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
676 Points
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
644 Points -5%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
642 Points -5%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
640 Points -5%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
634 Points -6%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
574 Points -15%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
552 Points -18%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
551 Points -18%
CPU (Multi Core)
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
6509 Points +65%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
5108 Points +29%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
4781 Points +21%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
4229 Points +7%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
3951 Points
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
3779 Points -4%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
3510 Points -11%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
3270 Points -17%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
3237 Points -18%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
3148 Points -20%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
2106 Points -47%
Cinebench R15
CPU Single 64Bit
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
279 Points +11%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
260 Points +4%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
255 Points +2%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
251 Points
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
239 Points -5%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
238 Points -5%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
238 Points -5%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
235 Points -6%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
227 Points -10%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
226 Points -10%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
207 Points -18%
CPU Multi 64Bit
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
2608 Points +56%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
2304 Points +38%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
1893 Points +13%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
1773 Points +6%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
1670 Points
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
1591 Points -5%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
1379 Points -17%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
1321 Points -21%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
1211 Points -27%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
1170 Points -30%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
753 Points -55%
Cinebench R11.5
CPU Single 64Bit
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
3.33 Points +9%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
3.14 Points +3%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
3.1 Points +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
3.06 Points
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
2.91 Points -5%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
2.88 Points -6%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
2.87 Points -6%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
2.83 Points -8%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
2.69 Points -12%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
2.62 Points -14%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
2.52 Points -18%
CPU Multi 64Bit
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
30.25 Points +53%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
28.34 Points +43%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
22.08 Points +12%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
21.25 Points +7%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
19.78 Points
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
17.87 Points -10%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
16.55 Points -16%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
16.05 Points -19%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
14.61 Points -26%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
14.55 Points -26%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
9.35 Points -53%
Cinebench R10
Rendering Single CPUs 64Bit
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
14533 Points +8%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
14421 Points +8%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
14177 Points +6%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
13714 Points +2%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
13397 Points
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
13375 Points 0%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
13352 Points 0%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
13344 Points 0%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
11960 Points -11%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
11860 Points -11%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
11378 Points -15%
Rendering Multiple CPUs 64Bit
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
87064 Points +42%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
85169 Points +39%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
68516 Points +12%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
62312 Points +2%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
61665 Points +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
61107 Points
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
58173 Points -5%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
55999 Points -8%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
51425 Points -16%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
50207 Points -18%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
29444 Points -52%
Blender - v2.79 BMW27 CPU
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
553 Seconds * -70%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
422 Seconds * -30%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
385 Seconds * -18%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
383 Seconds * -18%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
349 Seconds * -7%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
325 Seconds *
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
319 Seconds * +2%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
293 Seconds * +10%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
285 Seconds * +12%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
260 Seconds * +20%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
192 Seconds * +41%
wPrime 2.10
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
8.299 s * -82%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
8.23 s * -80%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
7.234 s * -59%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
6.893 s * -51%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
6.891 s * -51%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
4.564 s *
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
3.969 s * +13%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
3.93 s * +14%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
3.705 s * +19%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
3.268 s * +28%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
2.626 s * +42%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
483.853 s * -8%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
452.626 s * -1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
449.815 s *
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
436.01 s * +3%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
431.842 s * +4%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
431.692 s * +4%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
410.289 s * +9%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
225.417 s * +50%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
121.132 s * +73%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
111.714 s * +75%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
72.819 s * +84%
X264 HD Benchmark 4.0
Pass 1
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
336 (304min - 337max) fps +21%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
311.5 (311min - 312max) fps +12%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
298 (288min - 300max) fps +7%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
278 (253min - 279max) fps
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
277 (260min - 288max) fps 0%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
272.5 (260min - 285max) fps -2%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
257.5 (251min - 259max) fps -7%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
247 (214min - 251max) fps -11%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
244 (242min - 246max) fps -12%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
242 (239min - 245max) fps -13%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
197.2 (175.1min - 220max) fps -29%
Pass 2
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
149.3 (148.8min - 149.8max) fps +52%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
132.2 (107.8min - 142max) fps +35%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
111.1 (96.7min - 111.7max) fps +13%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
104.65 (104.1min - 106.9max) fps +7%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
98.15 (83.6min - 101.2max) fps
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
86.25 (83.2min - 94.6max) fps -12%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
85.35 (83min - 87.2max) fps -13%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
79.65 (70.3min - 81.5max) fps -19%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
75.95 (75.9min - 96.2max) fps -23%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
75.9 (75min - 75.9max) fps -23%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
53.8 (49.8min - 70.6max) fps -45%
WinRAR - Result
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
9090 KB/s +23%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
8569 KB/s +16%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
7699 KB/s +5%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
7363 KB/s
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
7325 KB/s -1%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
7042 KB/s -4%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
6992 KB/s -5%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
6896 KB/s -6%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
6195 KB/s -16%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
6015 KB/s -18%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
5658 KB/s -23%
AES Mean 100MB
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
14.9 GB/s +49%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
13.3 GB/s +33%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
11.5 GB/s +15%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
10.1 GB/s +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
10 GB/s
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
9.7 GB/s -3%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
8.6 GB/s -14%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
8 GB/s -20%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
7.7 GB/s -23%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
7 GB/s -30%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
6.7 GB/s -33%
Twofish Mean 100MB
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
2.2 GB/s +29%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
2.1 GB/s +24%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
1.8 GB/s +6%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
1.7 GB/s
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
1.6 GB/s -6%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
1.5 GB/s -12%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
1.4 GB/s -18%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
1.3 GB/s -24%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
1.3 GB/s -24%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
1.2 GB/s -29%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
1.1 GB/s -35%
Serpent Mean 100MB
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
1.3 GB/s +35%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
1.2 GB/s +25%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
1.1 GB/s +14%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
1 GB/s +4%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
1 GB/s +4%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
0.962 GB/s
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
0.797 GB/s -17%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
0.79 GB/s -18%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
0.789 GB/s -18%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
0.703 GB/s -27%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
0.674 GB/s -30%
Geekbench 5.5
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
12177 Points +41%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
11465 Points +32%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
9363 Points +8%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
8823 Points +2%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
8661 Points
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
8066 Points -7%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
7976 Points -8%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
7383 Points -15%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
7200 Points -17%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
6804 Points -21%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
6478 Points -25%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
1943 Points +11%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
1767 Points +1%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
1762 Points +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
1749 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
1730 Points -1%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
1717 Points -2%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
1665 Points -5%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
1655 Points -5%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
1636 Points -6%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
1603 Points -8%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
1494 Points -15%
Geekbench 5.0
5.0 Multi-Core
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
11933 Points +39%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
11392 Points +33%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
9099 Points +6%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
8568 Points 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
8564 Points
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
7938 Points -7%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
7879 Points -8%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
7252 Points -15%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
7116 Points -17%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
6675 Points -22%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
6287 Points -27%
5.0 Single-Core
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
1900 Points +14%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
1736 Points +4%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
1730 Points +4%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
1678 Points +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
1668 Points
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
1594 Points -4%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
1592 Points -5%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
1581 Points -5%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
1570 Points -6%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
1569 Points -6%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
1421 Points -15%
Geekbench 4.4
64 Bit Single-Core Score
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
8048 Points +9%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
7737 Points +5%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
7705 Points +5%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
7415 Points +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
7354 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
7349 Points 0%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
7203 Points -2%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
7186 Points -2%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
7153 Points -3%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
6747 Points -8%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
6295 Points -14%
64 Bit Multi-Core Score
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
48743 Points +45%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
42297 Points +26%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
34909 Points +4%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
34200 Points +2%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
33523 Points
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
32181 Points -4%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
30058 Points -10%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
28253 Points -16%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
27953 Points -17%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
26009 Points -22%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
24621 Points -27%
3DMark 11 - 1280x720 Performance Physics
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
22960 Points +40%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
21177 Points +29%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
18363 Points +12%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
16933 Points +3%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
16434 Points
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
15383 Points -6%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
15082 Points -8%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
14645 Points -11%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
14171 Points -14%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
13514 Points -18%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
9219 Points -44%
7-Zip 18.03
7z b 4
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
72684 MIPS +81%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
53954 MIPS +35%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
52630 MIPS +31%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
47893 MIPS +20%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
43146 MIPS +8%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
40050 MIPS
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
35739 MIPS -11%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
35191 MIPS -12%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
33619 MIPS -16%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
33549 MIPS -16%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
27053 MIPS -32%
7z b 4 -mmt1
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
6563 MIPS +13%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
6116 MIPS +6%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
5785 MIPS
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
5732 MIPS -1%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
5731 MIPS -1%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
5695 MIPS -2%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
5486 MIPS -5%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
5386 MIPS -7%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
5378 MIPS -7%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
5278 MIPS -9%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
4994 MIPS -14%
HWBOT x265 Benchmark v2.2 - 4k Preset
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
20.9 fps +76%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
14.6 fps +23%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
13.6 fps +14%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
13.3 fps +12%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
12 fps +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
11.9 fps
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
10.8 fps -9%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
10.4 fps -13%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
9.87 fps -17%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
9.47 fps -20%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
6.62 fps -44%
R Benchmark 2.5 - Overall mean
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
0.559 sec * -17%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
0.523 sec * -9%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
0.517 sec * -8%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
0.515 sec * -8%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
0.506 sec * -6%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
0.505 sec * -6%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
0.4819 sec * -1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
0.4781 sec *
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
0.473 sec * +1%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
0.462 sec * +3%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
0.4354 sec * +9%
LibreOffice - 20 Documents To PDF
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
54.3 s * -15%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
53.9 s * -14%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
53.2 s * -12%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
47.3 s *
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
46.6 s * +1%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
46.3 s * +2%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
44 s * +7%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
42.8 s * +10%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
40.7 s * +14%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
39.6 s * +16%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
35.1 s * +26%
WebXPRT 3 - Overall
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
324 Points +9%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
309 Points +4%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
307 Points +3%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
297 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
294 Points -1%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
289 Points -3%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
285 Points -4%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
285 Points -4%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
277 Points -7%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
270 Points -9%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
269 Points -9%
Mozilla Kraken 1.1 - Total
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
653 ms * -22%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
641 ms * -20%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
571 ms * -7%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
566 ms * -6%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
563 ms * -5%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
556 ms * -4%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
537 ms * -0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
536 ms *
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
519 ms * +3%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
517 ms * +4%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
517 ms * +4%
3840x2160 Fire Strike Ultra Physics
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
28429 Points +34%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
26402 Points +24%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
22307 Points +5%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
21241 Points
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
21176 Points 0%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
21001 Points -1%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
19564 Points -8%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
19341 Points -9%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
18111 Points -15%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
17250 Points -19%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
11888 Points -44%
1920x1080 Fire Strike Physics
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
28906 Points +30%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
27369 Points +23%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
22433 Points +1%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
22346 Points +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
22170 Points
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
21928 Points -1%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
20088 Points -9%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
19994 Points -10%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
18932 Points -15%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
17852 Points -19%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
12668 Points -43%
2560x1440 Time Spy CPU
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
11159 Points +33%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H
10814 Points +29%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H
9168 Points +9%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H
8744 Points +4%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
8481 Points +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H
8415 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H
7169 Points -15%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H
6901 Points -18%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H
6824 Points -19%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H
6151 Points -27%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H
4231 Points -50%

* ... im mniej tym lepiej

Geekbench 6.0
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, 3800 MHz
2572 Points +14%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, 1900 MHz
2381 Points +6%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
2345 Points +4%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
2256 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
2251 Points 0%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
2174 Points -4%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
2173 Points -4%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
2159 Points -4%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
2157 Points -4%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, 2300 MHz
2082 Points -8%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, 3200 MHz
1912 Points -15%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, 3800 MHz
12727 Points +36%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, 1900 MHz
11698 Points +25%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
9911 Points +6%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
9329 Points
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, 3200 MHz
8803 Points -6%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, 2300 MHz
8597 Points -8%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
8483 Points -9%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
8162 Points -13%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
7881 Points -16%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
7627 Points -18%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
7273 Points -22%
GPU OpenCL 6.0
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, 3800 MHz
31897 Points +184%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, 3200 MHz
17546 Points +56%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, 1900 MHz
14018 Points +25%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
11750 Points +5%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
11246 Points 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
11219 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
11192 Points 0%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
8780 Points -22%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
8395 Points -25%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
8392 Points -25%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, 2300 MHz
7406 Points -34%
GPU Vulkan 6.0
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, 3800 MHz
30868 Points +121%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, 1900 MHz
19053 Points +37%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, 3200 MHz
16738 Points +20%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
14750 Points +6%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
13953 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
13930 Points 0%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
13878 Points -1%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
10341 Points -26%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
10318 Points -26%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
10311 Points -26%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, 2300 MHz
8410 Points -40%
Geekbench 5.5
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, 3800 MHz
12177 Points +41%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, 1900 MHz
11465 Points +32%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
9363 Points +8%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, 3200 MHz
8823 Points +2%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
8661 Points
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
8066 Points -7%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, 2300 MHz
7976 Points -8%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
7383 Points -15%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
7200 Points -17%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
6804 Points -21%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
6478 Points -25%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, 3800 MHz
1943 Points +11%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
1767 Points +1%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, 1900 MHz
1762 Points +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
1749 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
1730 Points -1%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
1717 Points -2%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
1665 Points -5%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
1655 Points -5%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
1636 Points -6%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, 2300 MHz
1603 Points -8%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, 3200 MHz
1494 Points -15%
Geekbench 5.0
5.0 Multi-Core
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, 3800 MHz
11933 Points +39%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, 1900 MHz
11392 Points +33%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
9099 Points +6%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, 3200 MHz
8568 Points 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
8564 Points
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
7938 Points -7%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, 2300 MHz
7879 Points -8%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
7252 Points -15%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
7116 Points -17%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
6675 Points -22%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
6287 Points -27%
5.0 Single-Core
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, 3800 MHz
1900 Points +14%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
1736 Points +4%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, 1900 MHz
1730 Points +4%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
1678 Points +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
1668 Points
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
1594 Points -4%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
1592 Points -5%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
1581 Points -5%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, 2300 MHz
1570 Points -6%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
1569 Points -6%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, 3200 MHz
1421 Points -15%
Geekbench 4.4
64 Bit Single-Core Score
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, 3800 MHz
8048 Points +9%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, 1900 MHz
7737 Points +5%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
7705 Points +5%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
7415 Points +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
7354 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
7349 Points 0%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
7203 Points -2%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
7186 Points -2%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
7153 Points -3%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, 2300 MHz
6747 Points -8%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, 3200 MHz
6295 Points -14%
64 Bit Multi-Core Score
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, 3800 MHz
48743 Points +45%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, 1900 MHz
42297 Points +26%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
34909 Points +4%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, 3200 MHz
34200 Points +2%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
33523 Points
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, 2300 MHz
32181 Points -4%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
30058 Points -10%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
28253 Points -16%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
27953 Points -17%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, 1500 MHz
26009 Points -22%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, 1700 MHz
24621 Points -27%
Performance Rating
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
100 pt
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Vega 8
62.6 pt
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
61.5 pt
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
58.2 pt
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
57.7 pt
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
52.6 pt
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
45.6 pt
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
45.3 pt
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
42.6 pt
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
40.5 pt
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
40.3 pt
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
33.6 pt
AIDA64 / FP32 Ray-Trace
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
26889 KRay/s +177%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (764 - 51004, n=116, ostatnie 2 lata)
14081 KRay/s +45%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Vega 8
12468 KRay/s +28%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
12240 KRay/s +26%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
11161 KRay/s +15%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
10839 KRay/s +12%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
9713 KRay/s
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
9129 KRay/s -6%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
8812 KRay/s -9%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
8528 KRay/s -12%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
7229 KRay/s -26%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
6788 KRay/s -30%
AIDA64 / FPU Julia
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
113684 Points +135%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Vega 8
77847 Points +61%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (4140 - 214250, n=116, ostatnie 2 lata)
68641 Points +42%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
57280 Points +18%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
54435 Points +12%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
52677 Points +9%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
48470 Points
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
46204 Points -5%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
43172 Points -11%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
41947 Points -13%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
39966 Points -18%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
35216 Points -27%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
4953 MB/s +142%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
3501 MB/s +71%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (290 - 9399, n=116, ostatnie 2 lata)
3033 MB/s +48%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
2784 MB/s +36%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Vega 8
2707 MB/s +32%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
2357 MB/s +15%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
2071 MB/s +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
2050 MB/s
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
1897 MB/s -7%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
1862 MB/s -9%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
1796 MB/s -12%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
1479 MB/s -28%
AIDA64 / CPU Queen
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
117103 Points +64%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Vega 8
91846 Points +28%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
85501 Points +19%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
85233 Points +19%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
82454 Points +15%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (8172 - 184747, n=116, ostatnie 2 lata)
81254 Points +14%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
71577 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
67562 Points -6%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
64750 Points -10%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
64123 Points -10%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
59539 Points -17%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
59278 Points -17%
AIDA64 / FPU SinJulia
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
15145 Points +129%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Vega 8
10972 Points +66%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (408 - 29064, n=116, ostatnie 2 lata)
9272 Points +40%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
8510 Points +28%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
7444 Points +12%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
7297 Points +10%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
6628 Points
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
5985 Points -10%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
5815 Points -12%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
5608 Points -15%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
5133 Points -23%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
4690 Points -29%
AIDA64 / FPU Mandel
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
60809 Points +152%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Vega 8
42543 Points +77%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (2088 - 113499, n=116, ostatnie 2 lata)
35806 Points +49%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
31628 Points +31%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
28106 Points +17%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
26735 Points +11%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
24086 Points
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
22917 Points -5%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
21392 Points -11%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
21054 Points -13%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
18516 Points -23%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
17272 Points -28%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
170745 MB/s +281%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
122812 MB/s +174%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Vega 8
108262 MB/s +141%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
100301 MB/s +124%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
92530 MB/s +106%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (3691 - 325960, n=116, ostatnie 2 lata)
89140 MB/s +99%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
78537 MB/s +75%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
72407 MB/s +61%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
70617 MB/s +58%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
44835 MB/s
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
39274 MB/s -12%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
32702 MB/s -27%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
1075 MB/s +54%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
790 MB/s +13%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (76.7 - 2039, n=116, ostatnie 2 lata)
782 MB/s +12%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Vega 8
700 MB/s 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
700 MB/s
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
687 MB/s -2%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
674 MB/s -4%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
592 MB/s -15%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
569 MB/s -19%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
531 MB/s -24%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
527 MB/s -25%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
443 MB/s -37%
AIDA64 / FP64 Ray-Trace
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
14284 KRay/s +173%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (432 - 26952, n=116, ostatnie 2 lata)
7535 KRay/s +44%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
6651 KRay/s +27%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Vega 8
6380 KRay/s +22%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
5998 KRay/s +15%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
5771 KRay/s +10%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
5235 KRay/s
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
4977 KRay/s -5%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
4721 KRay/s -10%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
4604 KRay/s -12%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
4082 KRay/s -22%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
3648 KRay/s -30%
AIDA64 / CPU PhotoWorxx
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
40460 MPixel/s +65%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
37433 MPixel/s +52%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (5296 - 51727, n=116, ostatnie 2 lata)
29744 MPixel/s +21%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
28682 MPixel/s +17%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
28010 MPixel/s +14%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
27940 MPixel/s +14%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
26442 MPixel/s +8%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Vega 8
25113 MPixel/s +2%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
24885 MPixel/s +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
24589 MPixel/s
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
22046 MPixel/s -10%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
20652 MPixel/s -16%

Nipogi AD08 podczas Multi Loop Cinebench R15

Ciągła pętla Cinebench R15 daje nam wgląd w skuteczność zainstalowanego systemu chłodzenia. Korzystając z różnych trybów, można stwierdzić, że wartość PL2 SoC była utrzymywana tylko przez krótki czas, podczas gdy zdefiniowane limity mocy pozostawały stabilne w czasie. W porównaniu do Minisforum Venus Series NAB6nasza próbka testowa musiała przyznać się do wyraźnej porażki. Po 50 uruchomieniach urządzenia dzieliło dobre 200 punktów.

Metryki procesora podczas pętli Cinebench R15
Metryki procesora podczas pętli Cinebench R15
NiPoGi AD08 Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel Core i7-12650H: Ø1399 (1362.4-1668.54)
NiPoGi AD08 AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel Core i7-12650H: Ø1192 (1156.1-1365.14)
NiPoGi AD08 AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel Core i7-12650H: Ø770 (673.9-1055.91)
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS: Ø2605 (2564.1-2649.53)
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6 Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel Core i7-12650H: Ø1627 (1590.71-1899.25)
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5 Intel Core i5-13500H, Intel Core i5-13500H: Ø1783 (1762.11-2310.94)
Geekom A5 AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H: Ø1715 (1692.05-1838.74)
Geekom Mini IT12 Intel Core i5-12450H, Intel Core i5-12450H: Ø1211 (1192.36-1443.94)
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245 Intel Core i5-12450H, Intel Core i5-12450H: Ø1370 (1352.4-1379.41)
Acemagic AD15 AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H: Ø1470 (1424.65-1647.85)
NiPoGi CK10 Intel Core i5-12450H, Intel Core i5-12450H: Ø1004 (968.01-1261.83)

Wydajność systemu

Nipogi AD08 opanował syntetyczne benchmarki, które biorą pod uwagę wydajność systemu. Z drugiej strony konkurencja jest dość silna, co doprowadziło do osiągnięcia jedynie średniego miejsca w teście PCMark 10. Test Crossmark wypadł nieco lepiej w przypadku procesorów Intela niż tych napędzanych przez AMD. Nasze urządzenie testowe ponownie osiągnęło przeciętne wyniki, nie doznając żadnych poważnych ciosów. Dla pełnego obrazu przeprowadziliśmy również wszystkie te testy przy użyciu alternatywnych trybów zasilania. Uzyskane wartości były nieco gorsze, choć nie powinno to znacząco wpłynąć na Państwa codzienną pracę.

Performance Rating - Percent
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, AMD Radeon 780M, Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
98.9 pt
Geekom A5, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), Lexar NM620 512GB
86.2 pt
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5, Intel Core i5-13500H
Intel Core i5-13500H, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
85.4 pt
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
85.3 pt
NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
80 pt
NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
79.2 pt
Geekom Mini IT12, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel Core i5-12450H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
77.3 pt
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel Core i5-12450H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
76.9 pt
NiPoGi CK10, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel Core i5-12450H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
76.1 pt
NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
73.9 pt
Acemagic AD15, Intel Core i7-11800H
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Netac NS512GSSD340
71.4 pt
PCMark 10
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, AMD Radeon 780M, Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
7526 Points +31%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5, Intel Core i5-13500H
Intel Core i5-13500H, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
6280 Points +9%
Geekom A5, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), Lexar NM620 512GB
6149 Points +7%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
6057 Points +5%
NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
5751 Points
NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
5630 Points -2%
Geekom Mini IT12, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel Core i5-12450H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
5373 Points -7%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel Core i5-12450H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
5319 Points -8%
NiPoGi CK10, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel Core i5-12450H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
5262 Points -9%
NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
5156 Points -10%
Acemagic AD15, Intel Core i7-11800H
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Netac NS512GSSD340
5036 Points -12%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
11395 Points +9%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5, Intel Core i5-13500H
Intel Core i5-13500H, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
11035 Points +6%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, AMD Radeon 780M, Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
11011 Points +6%
Geekom Mini IT12, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel Core i5-12450H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
10723 Points +3%
NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
10408 Points
NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
10360 Points 0%
Geekom A5, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), Lexar NM620 512GB
10356 Points 0%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel Core i5-12450H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
10306 Points -1%
NiPoGi CK10, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel Core i5-12450H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
10280 Points -1%
NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
9905 Points -5%
Acemagic AD15, Intel Core i7-11800H
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Netac NS512GSSD340
9694 Points -7%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, AMD Radeon 780M, Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
10832 Points +39%
Geekom A5, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), Lexar NM620 512GB
9311 Points +19%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5, Intel Core i5-13500H
Intel Core i5-13500H, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
8212 Points +5%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
8164 Points +4%
NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
7814 Points
NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
7770 Points -1%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel Core i5-12450H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
7527 Points -4%
NiPoGi CK10, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel Core i5-12450H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
7368 Points -6%
Geekom Mini IT12, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel Core i5-12450H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
7201 Points -8%
NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
7167 Points -8%
Acemagic AD15, Intel Core i7-11800H
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Netac NS512GSSD340
6723 Points -14%
CrossMark / Overall
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5, Intel Core i5-13500H
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1982 Points +19%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1875 Points +13%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
AMD Radeon 780M, Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
1761 Points +6%
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
1660 Points
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1637 Points -1%
Geekom Mini IT12, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
1583 Points -5%
AD08 (Auto), NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
1550 Points -7%
AD08 (Silent), NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
1532 Points -8%
NiPoGi CK10, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
1504 Points -9%
Geekom A5, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), Lexar NM620 512GB
1429 Points -14%
AD15, i7-11800H, Acemagic AD15, Intel Core i7-11800H
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Netac NS512GSSD340
1423 Points -14%
CrossMark / Productivity
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5, Intel Core i5-13500H
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1938 Points +21%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1876 Points +17%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1677 Points +5%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
AMD Radeon 780M, Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
1656 Points +3%
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
1601 Points
Geekom Mini IT12, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
1592 Points -1%
AD08 (Auto), NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
1543 Points -4%
AD08 (Silent), NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
1541 Points -4%
NiPoGi CK10, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
1513 Points -5%
AD15, i7-11800H, Acemagic AD15, Intel Core i7-11800H
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Netac NS512GSSD340
1408 Points -12%
Geekom A5, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), Lexar NM620 512GB
1408 Points -12%
CrossMark / Creativity
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
AMD Radeon 780M, Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
2040 Points +14%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5, Intel Core i5-13500H
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1985 Points +11%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1811 Points +1%
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
1788 Points
AD15, i7-11800H, Acemagic AD15, Intel Core i7-11800H
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Netac NS512GSSD340
1598 Points -11%
Geekom Mini IT12, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
1577 Points -12%
AD08 (Auto), NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
1571 Points -12%
AD08 (Silent), NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
1554 Points -13%
NiPoGi CK10, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
1530 Points -14%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1525 Points -15%
Geekom A5, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), Lexar NM620 512GB
1523 Points -15%
CrossMark / Responsiveness
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5, Intel Core i5-13500H
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
2110 Points +43%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
2077 Points +41%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1888 Points +28%
Geekom Mini IT12, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
1571 Points +6%
AD08 (Auto), NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
1511 Points +2%
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
1478 Points
AD08 (Silent), NiPoGi AD08, Intel Core i7-12650H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Netac NS512GSSD530
1444 Points -2%
NiPoGi CK10, Intel Core i5-12450H
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
1403 Points -5%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
AMD Radeon 780M, Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
1361 Points -8%
Geekom A5, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), Lexar NM620 512GB
1233 Points -17%
AD15, i7-11800H, Acemagic AD15, Intel Core i7-11800H
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Netac NS512GSSD340
1038 Points -30%
AIDA64 / Memory Copy
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
67039 MB/s +53%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
57457 MB/s +31%
Przeciętny Intel Core i7-12650H
  (43261 - 69735, n=14)
51052 MB/s +16%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (8377 - 89287, n=116, ostatnie 2 lata)
50279 MB/s +14%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
46936 MB/s +7%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
44327 MB/s +1%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
43918 MB/s 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
43916 MB/s
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Vega 8
43870 MB/s 0%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
43790 MB/s 0%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
43746 MB/s 0%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
43261 MB/s -1%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
37807 MB/s -14%
AIDA64 / Memory Read
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
65470 MB/s +38%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
61867 MB/s +30%
Przeciętny Intel Core i7-12650H
  (47313 - 67412, n=14)
55861 MB/s +18%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (8974 - 100086, n=116, ostatnie 2 lata)
51326 MB/s +8%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
50120 MB/s +6%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
47714 MB/s +1%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
47555 MB/s 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
47423 MB/s
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
47313 MB/s 0%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
47170 MB/s -1%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
47042 MB/s -1%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Vega 8
46241 MB/s -2%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
42236 MB/s -11%
AIDA64 / Memory Write
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
86693 MB/s +90%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
59816 MB/s +31%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (8762 - 100538, n=116, ostatnie 2 lata)
55240 MB/s +21%
Przeciętny Intel Core i7-12650H
  (45617 - 59361, n=14)
53407 MB/s +17%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
47383 MB/s +4%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
46963 MB/s +3%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
46882 MB/s +3%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
46529 MB/s +2%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Vega 8
46407 MB/s +2%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
45996 MB/s +1%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
45915 MB/s +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
45617 MB/s
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
38930 MB/s -15%
AIDA64 / Memory Latency
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
103.9 ns *
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Core i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
93.8 ns * +10%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
92 ns * +11%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (44.9 - 184.8, n=116, ostatnie 2 lata)
91.7 ns * +12%
Przeciętny Intel Core i7-12650H
  (71.6 - 103.9, n=14)
83.6 ns * +20%
Geekom A5
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Vega 8
81.4 ns * +22%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
79.7 ns * +23%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
79.3 ns * +24%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel Core i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
78.7 ns * +24%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
77.5 ns * +25%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
76.9 ns * +26%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel Core i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
76.5 ns * +26%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel Core i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
71.6 ns * +31%

* ... im mniej tym lepiej

Opóźnienia DPC

LatencyMon wykazał już pewne zwiększone opóźnienia podczas otwierania wielu kart w Edge. Z drugiej strony, nie wzrosły one podczas odtwarzania naszego testowego wideo 4K. Prime95 również nie spowodował, że opóźnienia stały się wyższe niż początkowo udokumentowano.

Maksymalne opóźnienia podczas otwierania wielu kart przeglądarki i odtwarzania wideo 4K
Maksymalne opóźnienia podczas otwierania wielu kart przeglądarki i odtwarzania wideo 4K
Maksymalne opóźnienia po dziesięciu sekundach Prime95
Maksymalne opóźnienia po dziesięciu sekundach Prime95
Kierowcy uszeregowani według najdłuższego czasu wykonania
Kierowcy uszeregowani według najdłuższego czasu wykonania

Urządzenia pamięci masowej

Netac SSD (512 GB)
Netac SSD (512 GB)

Nasza próbka testowa została wyposażona w 512-GB dysk SSD firmy Netac. Wykorzystuje on gniazdo M.2 komputera i jest podłączony przez PCIe-3.0 x4. Różne tryby wydajności nie mają zauważalnego wpływu na wydajność zainstalowanego dysku SSD. W ostatecznym rozrachunku nie może on pochwalić się wyjątkowo wysokimi prędkościami transferu, dlatego też nasza próbka testowa zajęła jedno z ostatnich miejsc. W normalnym, codziennym użytkowaniu nie powinno być jednak zauważalnych różnic. Oprócz preinstalowanego dysku SSD M.2, komputer może pomieścić jeszcze jedno 2,5-calowe urządzenie pamięci masowej.

Aby uzyskać więcej porównań i testów porównawczych, proszę spojrzeć na naszą tabelę porównawczą.

Netac NS512GSSD530
Sequential Read: 2206 MB/s
Sequential Write: 1841 MB/s
512K Read: 1441 MB/s
512K Write: 940.9 MB/s
4K Read: 64.16 MB/s
4K Write: 250.4 MB/s
4K QD32 Read: 638.3 MB/s
4K QD32 Write: 340.5 MB/s
Drive Performance Rating - Percent
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
90.7 pt
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
88.8 pt
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
77.5 pt
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
74.7 pt
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
59.5 pt
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
59.5 pt
NiPoGi CK10 -11!
Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
46.4 pt
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
44.2 pt
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
43.6 pt
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
41.9 pt
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
40.9 pt
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
17.5 pt
seq read
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
3372 (3365.32min - 3372.43max) MB/s +82%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
2896 (2845min - 2896.04max) MB/s +56%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
2689 (2681.42min - 2688.76max) MB/s +45%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
2655 (2644.09min - 2654.58max) MB/s +43%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
2371 (2315.68min - 2370.91max) MB/s +28%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (277 - 4357, n=115, ostatnie 2 lata)
2351 MB/s +27%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
2024 (2018.72min - 2024.38max) MB/s +9%
NiPoGi CK10
Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
2014 (1987.04min - 2014.36max) MB/s +9%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
1862 (1837.94min - 1861.64max) MB/s +1%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
1859 (1831.12min - 1858.65max) MB/s 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
1851 (1840.88min - 1850.74max) MB/s
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
526 (524.71min - 525.97max) MB/s -72%
seq write
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
3736 (3562.44min - 3735.53max) MB/s +123%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
3544 (3538.94min - 3544.19max) MB/s +112%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
3523 (3505.18min - 3522.8max) MB/s +111%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
3518 (3504.76min - 3518.39max) MB/s +110%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
2668 (292.6min - 2668max) MB/s +60%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (229 - 5595, n=115, ostatnie 2 lata)
2562 MB/s +53%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
1672 (673.94min - 1672.06max) MB/s
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
1601 (692.06min - 1601.39max) MB/s -4%
NiPoGi CK10
Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
1598 (1557.1min - 1598.24max) MB/s -4%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
1584 (681.89min - 1583.77max) MB/s -5%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
1297 (1278.63min - 1297.3max) MB/s -22%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
464 (461.79min - 463.68max) MB/s -72%
seq q8 t1 read
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
4821 (4521.88min - 4820.93max) MB/s +103%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
4797 (4271.21min - 4796.87max) MB/s +102%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
4791 (4243.38min - 4790.88max) MB/s +102%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
4788 (4242.12min - 4787.8max) MB/s +102%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (236 - 8430, n=115, ostatnie 2 lata)
3847 MB/s +62%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
3444 (2979.63min - 3443.98max) MB/s +45%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
2582 (2230.8min - 2581.59max) MB/s +9%
NiPoGi CK10
Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
2399 (2078.28min - 2398.91max) MB/s +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
2375 (2107.85min - 2375.44max) MB/s
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
2372 (2082.65min - 2372.3max) MB/s 0%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
2298 (2080.34min - 2297.85max) MB/s -3%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
545 (387.49min - 544.63max) MB/s -77%
seq q8 t1 write
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
3910 (3902.59min - 3909.87max) MB/s +135%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
3541 (3519.65min - 3541.04max) MB/s +112%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
3533 (3516.71min - 3532.86max) MB/s +112%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
3533 (3500.99min - 3532.65max) MB/s +112%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
3117 (3075.4min - 3117.21max) MB/s +87%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (239 - 6669, n=115, ostatnie 2 lata)
2876 MB/s +73%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
1697 (642.54min - 1696.6max) MB/s +2%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
1696 (1005.88min - 1695.76max) MB/s +2%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
1667 (577.24min - 1667.45max) MB/s
NiPoGi CK10
Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
1602 (1566.78min - 1601.65max) MB/s -4%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
1310 (1235.64min - 1310.19max) MB/s -21%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
483 (480.04min - 483.18max) MB/s -71%
4k q1 t1 read
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
82.8 (82.48min - 82.75max) MB/s +45%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
82.3 (82.16min - 82.3max) MB/s +44%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
80.2 (79.47min - 80.17max) MB/s +40%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
64.9 (64.71min - 64.94max) MB/s +13%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
60.1 (56.51min - 60.14max) MB/s +5%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
57.3 (56.08min - 57.31max) MB/s
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (6.85 - 87.3, n=115, ostatnie 2 lata)
55.7 MB/s -3%
NiPoGi CK10
Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
55 (53.87min - 55.03max) MB/s -4%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
54.9 (54.12min - 54.85max) MB/s -4%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
54.5 (37.15min - 54.54max) MB/s -5%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
53.6 (52.89min - 53.6max) MB/s -6%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
34.4 (34.22min - 34.41max) MB/s -40%
4k q1 t1 write
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
420 (417.55min - 420.16max) MB/s +88%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
406 (403.52min - 406max) MB/s +81%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
386 (379.05min - 385.59max) MB/s +72%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
282 (174.59min - 282.11max) MB/s +26%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
225 (89.96min - 225.06max) MB/s 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
224 (122.9min - 223.95max) MB/s
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
218 (86.08min - 218.45max) MB/s -3%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (30.4 - 435, n=115, ostatnie 2 lata)
196.6 MB/s -12%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
196.1 (183.94min - 196.13max) MB/s -12%
NiPoGi CK10
Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
194.7 (191min - 194.69max) MB/s -13%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
148.4 (147.43min - 148.38max) MB/s -34%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
93.3 (91.37min - 93.31max) MB/s -58%
4k q32 t16 read
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
1960 MB/s +103%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1943 (1940.06min - 1942.8max) MB/s +101%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1939 (1934.48min - 1939.25max) MB/s +101%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1936 (1933.07min - 1936.22max) MB/s +100%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
1557 (1529.87min - 1556.79max) MB/s +61%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (26.1 - 4158, n=115, ostatnie 2 lata)
1433 MB/s +48%
NiPoGi CK10
Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
985 (816.79min - 984.52max) MB/s +2%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
967 (657.18min - 966.9max) MB/s 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
966 (662.38min - 966.09max) MB/s
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
660 (451.82min - 659.82max) MB/s -32%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
422 (420.12min - 421.79max) MB/s -56%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
189.2 (184.89min - 189.2max) MB/s -80%
4k q32 t16 write
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
3412 (3388.97min - 3411.66max) MB/s +390%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
3388 (3373.11min - 3387.88max) MB/s +387%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
2578 (1137.7min - 2578.06max) MB/s +270%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
1370 (84.65min - 1370.23max) MB/s +97%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (32.6 - 4288, n=115, ostatnie 2 lata)
1348 MB/s +94%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
1051 (996.92min - 1051.16max) MB/s +51%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
704 (213.18min - 703.63max) MB/s +1%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
703 (297.38min - 702.57max) MB/s +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
696 (189.46min - 695.85max) MB/s
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
565 (557.67min - 564.75max) MB/s -19%
NiPoGi CK10
Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G
499 (331.35min - 498.71max) MB/s -28%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
229 (222.72min - 229.28max) MB/s -67%
Score Total
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
6225 Points +105%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
6154 Points +103%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
5863 Points +93%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
4744 Points +56%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (211 - 10021, n=113, ostatnie 2 lata)
4204 Points +39%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
4006 Points +32%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
3032 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
2676 Points -12%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
2331 Points -23%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
2252 Points -26%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
753 Points -75%
Score Read
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
2381 Points +104%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
2356 Points +102%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
2327 Points +99%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
1738 Points +49%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (76 - 3741, n=113, ostatnie 2 lata)
1551 Points +33%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
1502 Points +29%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
1173 Points +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
1167 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
1159 Points -1%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
734 Points -37%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
266 Points -77%
Score Write
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
3294 Points +157%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
2732 Points +113%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
2573 Points +101%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (88 - 4371, n=113, ostatnie 2 lata)
1902 Points +48%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
1739 Points +36%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1308 Points +2%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
1283 Points
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
1203 Points -6%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
943 Points -27%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
577 Points -55%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
345 Points -73%
Seq Read
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
4129 MB/s +81%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
4095 MB/s +79%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
3874.21 MB/s +70%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
3822 MB/s +67%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (291 - 6620, n=113, ostatnie 2 lata)
3235 MB/s +42%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
3020 MB/s +32%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
2834.68 MB/s +24%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
2307 MB/s +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
2282 MB/s
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
2250 MB/s -1%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
529 MB/s -77%
Seq Write
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
3283 MB/s +98%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
3118 MB/s +88%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
2714 MB/s +64%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
2463 MB/s +49%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (242 - 5783, n=113, ostatnie 2 lata)
2331 MB/s +41%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
1657 MB/s
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
1626 MB/s -2%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
1495 MB/s -10%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
1266.57 MB/s -24%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
882.93 MB/s -47%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
425 MB/s -74%
4K Read
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
104.2 MB/s +75%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
102.97 MB/s +73%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
100.9 MB/s +70%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
62.5 MB/s +5%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
61.9 MB/s +4%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
59.4 MB/s
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
59.2 MB/s 0%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (18.2 - 104.3, n=113, ostatnie 2 lata)
58.8 MB/s -1%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
57.7 MB/s -3%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
51.27 MB/s -14%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
30.6 MB/s -48%
4K Write
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
354.53 MB/s +180%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
353 MB/s +178%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
332 MB/s +162%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
269.32 MB/s +112%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
215 MB/s +70%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
208 MB/s +64%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (30.9 - 366, n=113, ostatnie 2 lata)
177.2 MB/s +40%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
126.8 MB/s
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
125.5 MB/s -1%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
116.9 MB/s -8%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
89.4 MB/s -29%
4K-64 Read
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1865.81 MB/s +112%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1864 MB/s +112%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1817 MB/s +106%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
1293 MB/s +47%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (23.4 - 3220, n=113, ostatnie 2 lata)
1168 MB/s +33%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
1143 MB/s +30%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
883 MB/s 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
880 MB/s
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
872 MB/s -1%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
399.75 MB/s -55%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
182.1 MB/s -79%
4K-64 Write
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
2840 MB/s +187%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
2089 MB/s +111%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
1892 MB/s +91%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (32.8 - 3731, n=113, ostatnie 2 lata)
1491 MB/s +51%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
1342 MB/s +36%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
990 MB/s
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
865.27 MB/s -13%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
807.07 MB/s -18%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
677 MB/s -32%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
213 MB/s -78%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
198.7 MB/s -80%
Access Time Read
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
0.131 ms *
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
0.127 ms * +3%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
0.117 ms * +11%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
0.106 ms * +19%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
0.104 ms * +21%
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
0.1 ms * +24%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (0.025 - 0.489, n=113, ostatnie 2 lata)
0.09939 ms * +24%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
0.098 ms * +25%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
0.08 ms * +39%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
0.073 ms * +44%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
0.063 ms * +52%
Access Time Write
Geekom Mini IT12
Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0
0.166 ms * -61%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340
0.137 ms * -33%
Geekom A5
Lexar NM620 512GB
0.13 ms * -26%
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
  (0.014 - 0.765, n=113, ostatnie 2 lata)
0.1211 ms * -18%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530
0.12 ms * -17%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
0.11 ms * -7%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530
0.103 ms *
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530
0.103 ms * -0%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
0.031 ms * +70%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0
0.031 ms * +70%
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0
0.022 ms * +79%

* ... im mniej tym lepiej

Reading continuous performance: DiskSpd Read Loop, Queue Depth 8

NiPoGi AD08 Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Netac NS512GSSD530; diskspd 2.0.17 f: Ø1365 (827.75-2529.17)
NiPoGi AD08 AD08 (Auto), Netac NS512GSSD530; diskspd 2.0.17 f: Ø1060 (775.95-2245)
NiPoGi AD08 AD08 (Silent), Netac NS512GSSD530; diskspd 2.0.17 f: Ø1169 (786.01-2288.2)
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX Kingston OM8PGP41024Q-A0; diskspd 2.0.17 f: Ø4795 (3366.33-4823.24)
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6 Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0: Ø4789 (4164.37-4807.96)
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5 Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0: Ø4780 (4259.19-4798.12)
Geekom A5 Lexar NM620 512GB: Ø3437 (3126.47-3454.22)
Geekom Mini IT12 Kingston OM8SEP4512N-A0; diskspd 2.0.17 f: Ø2578 (2257.58-2603.4)
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245 Kingston OM8PGP4512Q-A0: Ø4040 (1626.34-4798.7)
Acemagic AD15 AD15, i7-11800H, Netac NS512GSSD340: Ø540 (386.44-542.74)
NiPoGi CK10 Future Path FPE220M8SSD512G: Ø2378 (2112.25-2402.9)

Karta graficzna

Jako część Intel Core i7-12650Hzintegrowana jednostka graficzna Intel UHD Graphics z 64 jednostkami EU zajmuje się wyświetlaniem obrazu. Z czysto wydajnościowego punktu widzenia, powinni Państwo zaufać temu modelowi tylko w przypadku wyświetlania obrazu 2D. W przypadku bardziej wymagających zastosowań 3D iGPU procesora jest po prostu za słabe. An AMD Radeon 780M oferuje znacznie lepszą wydajność - ten model można znaleźć w Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTXna przykład.

Aby uzyskać więcej porównań i testów porównawczych, proszę spojrzeć na naszą tabelę porównawczą GPU Mobile Graphics Cards - Benchmark List .

3DMark Performance Rating - Percent
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
100 pt
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
56.2 pt
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
53.7 pt
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
44.1 pt
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
42.3 pt
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
42.3 pt
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
41.8 pt
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
33.7 pt
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
33.7 pt
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
33.5 pt
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
26.9 pt
3DMark 11 - 1280x720 Performance GPU
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
13347 Points +164%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
7101 Points +41%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
6477 Points +28%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
5462 Points +8%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
5050 Points 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
5047 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
5030 Points 0%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
3912 Points -22%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
3902 Points -23%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
3886 Points -23%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
3168 Points -37%
1280x720 Cloud Gate Standard Graphics
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
50924 Points +121%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
32875 Points +43%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
29178 Points +27%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
23134 Points 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
23061 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
22139 Points -4%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
21383 Points -7%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
20239 Points -12%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
20098 Points -13%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
19949 Points -13%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
15662 Points -32%
1920x1080 Fire Strike Graphics
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
8348 Points +114%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
5305 Points +36%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
4567 Points +17%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
4098 Points +5%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
3905 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
3898 Points 0%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
3891 Points 0%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
3057 Points -22%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
3055 Points -22%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
3026 Points -23%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
2495 Points -36%
2560x1440 Time Spy Graphics
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
2832 Points +154%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
1508 Points +35%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
1418 Points +27%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
1217 Points +9%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
1114 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
1114 Points 0%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
1106 Points -1%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
855 Points -23%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
855 Points -23%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
854 Points -23%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
658 Points -41%
Fire Strike Extreme Graphics
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
4100 Points +136%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
2390 Points +38%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
1879 Points +8%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
1866 Points +7%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
1738 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
1734 Points 0%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
1721 Points -1%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
1349 Points -22%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
1346 Points -23%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
1346 Points -23%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
1101 Points -37%
Performance Rating - Percent
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
100 pt
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
53.4 pt
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
52.4 pt
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
42.5 pt
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
41.3 pt
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
38.9 pt
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
35.7 pt
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
34.5 pt
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
31.8 pt
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
31.2 pt
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
28.7 pt
Unigine Heaven 4.0
Extreme Preset OpenGL
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
34.5 fps +38%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
25 fps
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
22.8 fps -9%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
21.1 fps -16%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
19.7 fps -21%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
18.6 fps -26%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
13.3 fps -47%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
13 fps -48%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
12.9 fps -48%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
12.7 fps -49%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
9.8 fps -61%
Extreme Preset DX11
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
35.5 fps +86%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
25.8 fps +35%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
22 fps +15%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
20.4 fps +7%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
19.1 fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
19.1 fps 0%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
15.9 fps -17%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
15.8 fps -17%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
15.6 fps -18%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
14 fps -27%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
11.7 fps -39%
Unigine Valley 1.0
1920x1080 Extreme HD DirectX AA:x8
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
24 fps +103%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
17 fps +44%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
14.2 fps +20%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
12.8 fps +8%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
11.8 fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
11.8 fps 0%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
11.7 fps -1%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
10.1 fps -14%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
10 fps -15%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
10 fps -15%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
8.8 fps -25%
1920x1080 Extreme HD Preset OpenGL AA:x8
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
20.8 fps +60%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
17.7 fps +36%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
16.2 fps +25%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
15.1 fps +16%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
14.7 fps +13%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
13 fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
13 fps 0%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
12.3 fps -5%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
10.1 fps -22%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
9.8 fps -25%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
9.7 fps -25%
ComputeMark v2.1
1024x600 Normal, Score
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
10102 Points +326%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
4020 Points +70%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
3152 Points +33%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
2512 Points +6%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
2375 Points 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
2370 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
2336 Points -1%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
1767 Points -25%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
1735 Points -27%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
1724 Points -27%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
1422 Points -40%
1024x600 Normal, Fluid 3DTex
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
468 Points +126%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
306 Points +48%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
296 Points +43%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
216 Points +4%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
208 Points 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
207 Points
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
204 Points -1%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
204 Points -1%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
203 Points -2%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
203 Points -2%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
182 Points -12%
1024x600 Normal, Fluid 2DTexArr
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
488 Points +130%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
299 Points +41%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
280 Points +32%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
220 Points +4%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
212 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
212 Points 0%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
211 Points 0%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
197 Points -7%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
197 Points -7%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
189 Points -11%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
170 Points -20%
1024x600 Normal, Mandel Vector
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
2637 Points +486%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
1236 Points +175%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
692 Points +54%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
483 Points +7%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
450 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
447 Points -1%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
447 Points -1%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
311 Points -31%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
306 Points -32%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
302 Points -33%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
254 Points -44%
1024x600 Normal, Mandel Scalar
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
2757 Points +271%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
1062 Points +43%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
823 Points +11%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
770 Points +4%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
745 Points 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
743 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
728 Points -2%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
499 Points -33%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
483 Points -35%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
476 Points -36%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
378 Points -49%
1024x600 Normal, QJuliaRayTrace
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
3752 Points +394%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
1145 Points +51%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
1032 Points +36%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
823 Points +8%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
762 Points 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
759 Points
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
747 Points -2%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
555 Points -27%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
555 Points -27%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
547 Points -28%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
457 Points -40%
3DMark 05 Standard
41013 pkt.
3DMark 06 Standard Score
28949 pkt.
3DMark Vantage P Result
20442 pkt.
3DMark 11 Performance
5655 pkt.
3DMark Ice Storm Standard Score
111961 pkt.
3DMark Cloud Gate Standard Score
20694 pkt.
3DMark Fire Strike Score
3652 pkt.
3DMark Fire Strike Extreme Score
1733 pkt.
3DMark Time Spy Score
1280 pkt.

Wydajność w grach

Ze względu na ograniczoną wydajność 3D, Nipogi AD08 tylko częściowo nadaje się do gier. Mogą Państwo osiągnąć grywalną liczbę klatek na sekundę w starszych lub mniej wymagających grach, ale najprawdopodobniej będą Państwo musieli obniżyć ustawienia detali, aby to zrobić. Jeśli przywiązują Państwo większą wagę do wydajności 3D, warto przyjrzeć się bliżej modelowi Miniforum EliteMini UM780 XTX. Jego iGPU, czyli AMD Radeon 780Mdziała znacznie lepiej. Alternatywnie, proszę sprawdzić Minisforum HX77G, Minisforum Minisforum NUCXi7 lub Acemagic Tank03. Urządzenia te zapewniają doskonałą wydajność w grach dzięki dedykowanym kartom graficznym.

The Witcher 3
1024x768 Low Graphics & Postprocessing
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
153.5 (20.1min, 43.1P0.1, 107.8P1) fps +107%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
97.4 fps +32%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
85.6 (16min, 36.2P0.1, 60.2P1) fps +16%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
80.8 fps +9%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
77.3 (33.5min, 35.5P0.1, 45.8P1) fps +4%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
74 (26min, 29.9P0.1, 42.4P1) fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
64.3 (27.3min, 29.2P0.1, 37P1) fps -13%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
62.4 (20.6min, 26.1P0.1, 35.1P1) fps -16%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
60.8 (17.3min, 25.8P0.1, 34.4P1) fps -18%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
59.5 (19.9min, 24.7P0.1, 33.7P1) fps -20%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
47.3 (4.78min, 19.9P0.1, 25.3P1) fps -36%
1920x1080 High Graphics & Postprocessing (Nvidia HairWorks Off)
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
49.1 (23.1min, 38.4P0.1, 40.8P1) fps +63%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
33.5 fps +11%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
30.2 (5.17min, 14.7P0.1, 16.3P1) fps
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
26.2 fps -13%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
26 (20.8min, 21.4P0.1, 22.6P1) fps -14%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
25.7 (12.9min, 13.4P0.1, 14.2P1) fps -15%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
22.7 (11min, 12P0.1, 12.4P1) fps -25%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
20.2 (10.1min, 10.8P0.1, 11.1P1) fps -33%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
20 (10.1min, 11.2P0.1, 11.3P1) fps -34%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
19.2 (9.37min, 9.7P0.1, 10.7P1) fps -36%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
16.1 (8.34min, 8.6P0.1, 8.83P1) fps -47%
Borderlands 3
1280x720 Very Low Overall Quality (DX11)
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
97.3 fps +131%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
68 fps +61%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
57.6 fps +36%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
46 fps +9%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
43.2 fps +2%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
42.2 fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
36.8 fps -13%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
32.9 fps -22%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
32.2 fps -24%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
31.4 fps -26%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
24.5 fps -42%
1920x1080 High Overall Quality (DX11)
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
33.3 fps +197%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
16.4 fps +46%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
15.7 fps +40%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
12.1 fps +8%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
11.4 fps +2%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
11.2 fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
10.7 fps -4%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
8.52 fps -24%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
8.51 fps -24%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
8.29 fps -26%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
6.23 fps -44%
1024x768 Lowest Settings possible
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
164.4 (4.9min, 111.1P1) fps +39%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
144.6 (8.46min, 100P1) fps +22%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
140.1 (17.4min, 90.9P1) fps +18%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
129.9 (16.1min, 83.3P1) fps +10%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
118.3 (10.2min, 76.9P1) fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
117.3 (38min, 71.4P1) fps -1%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
116.1 (16min, 83.3P1) fps -2%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
108.9 (9.13min, 71.4P1) fps -8%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
108.8 (14.4min, 71.4P1) fps -8%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
100.8 (23.7min, 71.4P1) fps -15%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
97.7 (29.9min, 62.5P1) fps -17%
1920x1080 High/On (Advanced Graphics Off) AA:2xMSAA + FX AF:8x
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
66.9 (3.09min, 45.5P1) fps +296%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
35.1 (10.8min, 25.6P1) fps +108%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
24.3 (14.7min, 18.9P1) fps +44%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
18.5 (6.9min, 14.3P1) fps +9%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
17.6 (5.86min, 13.2P1) fps +4%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
16.9 (5.82min, 13P1) fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
16.4 (7.58min, 12.8P1) fps -3%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
14.6 (9.64min, 11P1) fps -14%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
14.4 (7.59min, 11P1) fps -15%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
13.7 (7.54min, 9.71P1) fps -19%
Far Cry 5
1280x720 Low Preset AA:T
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
87 (75min) fps +89%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
63 (57min) fps +37%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
62 (56min) fps +35%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
50 (44min) fps +9%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
46 (38min) fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
46 (42min) fps 0%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
36 (32min) fps -22%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
36 (32min) fps -22%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
36 (32min) fps -22%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
35 (32min) fps -24%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
30 (26min) fps -35%
1920x1080 High Preset AA:T
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
47 (42min) fps +124%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
29 (25min) fps +38%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
27 (24min) fps +29%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
22 (19min) fps +5%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
21 (18min) fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
21 (18min) fps 0%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
17 (15min) fps -19%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
16 (13min) fps -24%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
16 (13min) fps -24%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
16 (14min) fps -24%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
12 (10min) fps -43%
Far Cry New Dawn
1280x720 Low Preset
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
75 (58min) fps +67%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
59 (40min) fps +31%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
56 (43min) fps +24%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
48 (32min) fps +7%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
45 (29min) fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
44 (30min) fps -2%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
35 (21min) fps -22%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
34 (21min) fps -24%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
34 (24min) fps -24%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
33 (21min) fps -27%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
27 (17min) fps -40%
1920x1080 High Preset
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
45 (37min) fps +105%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
30 (22min) fps +36%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
27 (22min) fps +23%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
23 (17min) fps +5%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
22 (16min) fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
22 (16min) fps 0%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
18 (14min) fps -18%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
16 (12min) fps -27%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
16 (12min) fps -27%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
16 (13min) fps -27%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
13 (9min) fps -41%
Dota 2 Reborn
1280x720 min (0/3) fastest
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
161.5 (141.6min) fps +44%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
140.3 (102.2min) fps +25%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
134.7 (102.1min) fps +20%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
133.3 (93.2min) fps +19%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
129.5 (112.6min) fps +15%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
125.5 (91.1min) fps +12%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
116 (101.7min) fps +3%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
115.2 (89.7min) fps +2%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
112.4 (89min) fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
106.9 (74.1min) fps -5%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
106.2 (84.2min) fps -6%
1920x1080 high (2/3)
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
97.45 (86.9min) fps +77%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
70.7 (65.7min) fps +29%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
67.7 (59.9min) fps +23%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
57.8 (54.5min) fps +5%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
55 (51.6min) fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
54.8 (51.1min) fps 0%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
48.3 (44.7min) fps -12%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
44.7 (41.8min) fps -19%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
44.4 (41.6min) fps -19%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
43.3 (40.5min) fps -21%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
37.1 (33.3min) fps -33%
F1 2020
1280x720 Ultra Low Preset
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
201 (180min) fps +179%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
110 (98min) fps +53%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
78.4 (70min) fps +9%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
73 (64min) fps +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
72.1 (64min) fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
67 (58min) fps -7%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
60.2 (53min) fps -17%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
58.2 (52min) fps -19%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
48.5 (43min) fps -33%
1920x1080 High Preset AA:T AF:16x
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
79.3 (67min) fps +198%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
40.2 (32min) fps +51%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
29 (23min) fps +9%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
26.9 (22min) fps +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
26.6 (21min) fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
25.7 (21min) fps -3%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
21 (16min) fps -21%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
20.5 (16min) fps -23%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
16.5 (13min) fps -38%
F1 2021
1280x720 Ultra Low Preset
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
219 (179min, 177P1) fps +164%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
113 (94min, 93P1) fps +36%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
92.1 (71min, 71P1) fps +11%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
84.8 (66min, 62P1) fps +2%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
82.9 (66min, 63P1) fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
76.9 (61min, 62P1) fps -7%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
71.5 (56min, 55P1) fps -14%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
69.2 (52min, 52P1) fps -17%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
68.4 (49min, 49P1) fps -17%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
56.8 (45min, 44P1) fps -31%
1920x1080 High Preset AA:T AF:16x
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
84.5 (69min, 66P1) fps +179%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
40.4 (34min, 33P1) fps +33%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
33.2 (28min, 26P1) fps +10%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
30.7 (25min, 18P1) fps +1%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
30.3 (25min, 23P1) fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
27.6 (23min, 21P1) fps -9%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
25.2 (21min, 20P1) fps -17%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
24.8 (21min, 19P1) fps -18%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
24.4 (20min, 20P1) fps -19%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
20.1 (16min, 16P1) fps -34%
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
1280x720 Lowest Preset
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
109.2 fps +170%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
65.9 fps +63%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
62.8 fps +55%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
41.2 fps +2%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
40.7 fps 0%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
40.5 fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
36.1 fps -11%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
34.9 fps -14%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
34.2 fps -16%
NiPoGi CK10
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
33.4 fps -18%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
33.2 fps -18%
1920x1080 High Preset AA:SM
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
AMD Radeon 780M, AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
41.2 fps +134%
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs, Intel Core i5-13500H
25.9 fps +47%
Geekom A5
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000/5000), AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
22.4 fps +27%
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
18.8 fps +7%
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
17.9 fps +2%
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
17.6 fps
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i7-12650H
16.5 fps -6%
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
14.3 fps -19%
Geekom Mini IT12
Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen), Intel Core i5-12450H
14.1 fps -20%
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, Intel UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H), Intel Core i7-11800H
12.1 fps -31%

Nipogi AD08 performance mode

GTA V (2015) 118.3 100.9 16.9
The Witcher 3 (2015) 74 49.8 30.2 11.4
Dota 2 Reborn (2015) 112.4 86.5 55 50.7
Final Fantasy XV Benchmark (2018) 36.1 19.4 13.5
X-Plane 11.11 (2018) 48.1 34.4 29.7
Far Cry 5 (2018) 46 22 21 19
Strange Brigade (2018) 78.1 32.4 25.6 20.5
Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018) 40.5 18.8 17.6 15
Far Cry New Dawn (2019) 45 23 22 20
Metro Exodus (2019) 33.1 15.9 11.7 9.48
Borderlands 3 (2019) 42.2 18.6 11.2 8.25
F1 2020 (2020) 72.1 35.1 26.6 16.8
F1 2021 (2021) 82.9 38 30.3 20.7
F1 22 (2022) 34.4 31.3 21.9 17.3
F1 23 (2023) 31.1 28.3 19.5 15.1

Emisje - głośno czy cicho? Wybór należy do Państwa!

Emisja hałasu

Podczas naszych pomiarów emisji hałasu, przede wszystkim przyjrzeliśmy się emisji w trybie wydajności, ponieważ jest on używany jako podstawa naszej oceny. Początkowo Nipogi AD08 pracował dość cicho, choć nigdy nie był w pełni bezgłośny. Pod obciążeniem odnotowaliśmy wysoką emisję do 51,7 dB(A), która w odpowiednim czasie zrównoważyła się na poziomie 45,8 dB(A). Ponieważ procesor ma niski pobór mocy przy stałym obciążeniu, jego emisja hałasu spadła podczas tych pomiarów w porównaniu do tego, co odnotowaliśmy podczas średniego obciążenia. Alternatywne tryby pracy dodatkowo pokazują, że Nipogi AD08 może pracować jeszcze ciszej. Tryb automatyczny wydaje się zapewniać dobry kompromis pomiędzy wydajnością a emisją hałasu.

NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
R7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
Geekom A5
R7 5800H, Vega 8
Geekom Mini IT12
i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
NiPoGi CK10
i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
wyłączone / środowisko *
Idle Minimum *
Idle Average *
Idle Maximum *
Load Average *
Load Maximum *
Witcher 3 ultra *

* ... im mniej tym lepiej

Nipogi AD08 - Performance


31.1 / 31.2 / 31.3 dB
51.7 / 45.8 dB
  red to green bar
30 dB
40 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
min: dark, med: mid, max: light   Earthworks M23R (odległość 15 cm)   hałas otoczenia: 25 dB(A)

Nipogi AD08 - Auto


25 / 25 / 25 dB
40.9 / 41.1 dB
  red to green bar
30 dB
40 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
min: dark, med: mid, max: light   Earthworks M23R (odległość 15 cm)   hałas otoczenia: 25 dB(A)

Nipogi AD08 - Silent


25 / 25 / 25.1 dB
34 / 35.5 dB
  red to green bar
30 dB
40 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
min: dark, med: mid, max: light   Earthworks M23R (odległość 15 cm)   hałas otoczenia: 25 dB(A)


Obudowa Nipogi AD08 nagrzewa się tylko nieznacznie w trybie bezczynności i pod obciążeniem, a podczas naszych testów w żadnym momencie nie osiągnęła krytycznych temperatur. Jedynie tył obudowy miał zauważalne źródło ciepła w pobliżu wylotu wentylatora.

Sam procesor osiągnął maksymalną temperaturę 83 °C podczas testu obciążeniowego. Wartość ta utrzymywała się jednak tylko przez krótki okres czasu, a pobór mocy spadł z powrotem do predefiniowanej wartości 45 watów w trakcie trwania testu. Oznacza to, że system chłodzenia działa skutecznie, a średnia temperatura Intel Core i5-12650H w tym scenariuszu wynosiła 70 °C.

Test warunków skrajnych Prime95, solo
Test warunków skrajnych Prime95, solo
Test warunków skrajnych FurMark, solo
Test warunków skrajnych FurMark, solo
Test obciążeniowy Prime95 + FurMark
Test obciążeniowy Prime95 + FurMark
Nipogi AD08 - lewa strona (bieg jałowy)
Nipogi AD08 - lewa strona (bieg jałowy)
Nipogi AD08 - prawa strona (bieg jałowy)
Nipogi AD08 - prawa strona (bieg jałowy)
Zasilanie Nipogi AD08 (w stanie spoczynku)
Zasilanie Nipogi AD08 (w stanie spoczynku)
Nipogi AD08 - lewa strona (obciążenie)
Nipogi AD08 - lewa strona (obciążenie)
Nipogi AD08 - prawa strona (obciążenie)
Nipogi AD08 - prawa strona (obciążenie)
Zasilanie Nipogi AD08 (obciążenie)
Zasilanie Nipogi AD08 (obciążenie)

Heat distribution on the sides in performance mode

w stresie
 35.3 °C40.3 °C37.5 °C 
 35.5 °C40.2 °C38.3 °C 
 32.7 °C32.1 °C30.7 °C 
maks. w ogóle: 40.3 °C
średnia: 35.8 °C
34.1 °C34.5 °C34.4 °C
29.7 °C28.4 °C32.5 °C
28.8 °C27.8 °C28.4 °C
maks. w ogóle: 34.5 °C
średnia: 31 °C
zasilacz  38.6 °C | temperatura otoczenia 21.8 °C | Fluke t3000FC (calibrated)
(±) Średnia temperatura górnej części przy maksymalnym obciążeniu wynosi 35.8 °C / 96 F, w porównaniu do średniej 32.3 °C / ###class_avg_f# ## F dla urządzeń w klasie Mini PC.
(±) Maksymalna temperatura w górnej części wynosi 40.3 °C / 105 F, w porównaniu do średniej 35.7 °C / 96 F , począwszy od 21.6 do 69.5 °C dla klasy Mini PC.
(+) Dno nagrzewa się maksymalnie do 34.5 °C / 94 F, w porównaniu do średniej 36.1 °C / 97 F
(±) W stanie bezczynności średnia temperatura górnej części wynosi 32.6 °C / 91 F, w porównaniu ze średnią temperaturą urządzenia wynoszącą 32.3 °C / ### class_avg_f### F.

Zużycie energii

Niestety, Nipogi AD08 nie jest najbardziej oszczędnym systemem mini PC. Nawet w trybie bezczynności nasze urządzenie pomiarowe pokazywało od 14 do 28,7 watów. Wszyscy konkurenci w tym porównaniu osiągnęli lepsze wartości. Pod obciążeniem, zasilacz (który może dostarczyć do 120 watów) musi dostarczyć około 100 watów. Pod średnim obciążeniem, komputer potrzebuje tylko 77 watów, więc mniej więcej na tym samym poziomie co Minisforum Venus Series NAB6.

Nipogi AD08 ze 120-watowym zasilaczem
Nipogi AD08 ze 120-watowym zasilaczem
zasilacz 120 W
zasilacz 120 W
NiPoGi AD08
Nipogi AD08 (Performance), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Auto), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
NiPoGi AD08
AD08 (Silent), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
Minisforum EliteMini UM780 XTX
R7 7840HS, Radeon 780M
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6
i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
Minisforum Venus Series NPB5
i5-13500H, Iris Xe G7 80EUs
Geekom A5
R7 5800H, Vega 8
Geekom Mini IT12
i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
Minisforum Venus Series UN1245
i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
Acemagic AD15
AD15, i7-11800H, i7-11800H, UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H)
NiPoGi CK10
i5-12450H, UHD Graphics 64EUs
Przeciętny Intel UHD Graphics 64EUs (Alder Lake 12th Gen)
Średnia w klasie Mini PC
Power Consumption
Idle Minimum *
Idle Average *
Idle Maximum *
Load Average *
Load Maximum *

* ... im mniej tym lepiej

Nipogi AD08 - Performance

Pobór mocy
wyłączony / stan wstrzymaniadarklight 1.3 / 1.5 W
luzdarkmidlight 14.2 / 15.1 / 28.7 W
obciążenie midlight 76.9 / 100.2 W
 color bar
Legenda: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Metrahit Energy

Nipogi AD08 - Auto

Pobór mocy
wyłączony / stan wstrzymaniadarklight 1.3 / 1.5 W
luzdarkmidlight 14.2 / 15.5 / 24.5 W
obciążenie midlight 66.4 / 74.7 W
 color bar
Legenda: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Metrahit Energy

Nipogi AD08 - Silent

Pobór mocy
wyłączony / stan wstrzymaniadarklight 1.3 / 1.5 W
luzdarkmidlight 14.3 / 16.8 / 24.9 W
obciążenie midlight 51.4 / 63.9 W
 color bar
Legenda: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Metrahit Energy

Power consumption with external monitor

NiPoGi AD08 Nipogi AD08 (Performance), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; Prime95 V2810 Stress (external Monitor): Ø76.4 (66.8-99.1)
NiPoGi AD08 AD08 (Auto), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; Prime95 V2810 Stress (external Monitor): Ø59.6 (52.2-74.1)
NiPoGi AD08 AD08 (Silent), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; Prime95 V2810 Stress (external Monitor): Ø45.2 (40.3-60.1)
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6 i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; Prime95 V2810 Stress (external Monitor): Ø75.3 (64.6-96.2)
NiPoGi AD08 Nipogi AD08 (Performance), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; Cinebench R15 Multi (external Monitor): Ø91.3 (90.8-91.9)
NiPoGi AD08 AD08 (Auto), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; Cinebench R15 Multi (external Monitor): Ø66.7 (66.4-67)
NiPoGi AD08 AD08 (Silent), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; Cinebench R15 Multi (external Monitor): Ø52.8 (51.4-58.6)
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6 i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; Cinebench R15 Multi (external Monitor): Ø91.5 (85.9-92.1)
NiPoGi AD08 Nipogi AD08 (Performance), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; 1280x720 FurMark 1.19 GPU Stress Test (external Monitor): Ø59.8 (56.9-71.5)
NiPoGi AD08 AD08 (Auto), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; 1280x720 FurMark 1.19 GPU Stress Test (external Monitor): Ø57.6 (55.9-65.6)
NiPoGi AD08 AD08 (Silent), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; 1280x720 FurMark 1.19 GPU Stress Test (external Monitor): Ø48.6 (44.6-59.1)
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6 i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; 1280x720 FurMark 1.19 GPU Stress Test (external Monitor): Ø62.1 (57.7-94.5)
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6 i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; 1920x1080 The Witcher 3 ultra (external Monitor): Ø66.5 (64.3-97)
NiPoGi AD08 Nipogi AD08 (Performance), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; Idle 1min (external Monitor): Ø22.3 (12.4-25.4)
NiPoGi AD08 AD08 (Auto), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; Idle 1min (external Monitor): Ø24.5 (13-32.1)
NiPoGi AD08 AD08 (Silent), i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; Idle 1min (external Monitor): Ø25 (12.8-37.9)
Minisforum Venus Series NAB6 i7-12650H, UHD Graphics 64EUs; Idle 1min (external Monitor): Ø12.4 (11.2-16.8)


+ piękny design z eleganckim podświetleniem RGB
+ 3 różne tryby wydajności
+ możliwość podłączenia do trzech wyświetlaczy jednocześnie
+ szybkie otwieranie
+ wiele portów USB


- głośny pod obciążeniem (tryb wydajności)
- wysokie opóźnienia DPC
- brak Thunderbolt

Werdykt - atrakcyjny komputer biurowy do domu

Recenzja Nipogi AD08: próbka testowa dostarczona przez Nipogi
Recenzja Nipogi AD08: próbka testowa dostarczona przez Nipogi

Nipogi AD08 to kompaktowy komputer, który wizualnie przypomina komputer typu tower. Dzięki swojej kompaktowości, ten mini PC z łatwością znajdzie miejsce na Państwa biurku. Ponadto, eleganckie podświetlenie sprawia, że AD08 jest ucztą dla oczu. Jednocześnie można wyłączyć podświetlenie, jeśli nie przypadnie ono Państwu do gustu. Wydajność Intel Core i7-12650H jest dobra - ale nie na tym samym poziomie co Minisforum Venus Series NAB6 z tym samym procesorem. Mini PC wyróżnia się z tłumu dzięki możliwości dławienia lub zwiększania wydajności podczas użytkowania. Często wystarczy używać Nipogi AD08 w trybie cichym, ponieważ dzięki dziesięciu natywnym jednostkom obliczeniowym SoC oferuje wystarczające rezerwy nawet przy zmniejszonym zużyciu energii. Co więcej, Państwa uszy są nieco chronione, ponieważ w trybie wydajności AD08 może być dość głośny.

Nipogi AD08 to atrakcyjny wizualnie komputer biurowy do użytku domowego, charakteryzujący się kompaktową konstrukcją typu tower. Jednak jeśli chodzi o emisję, Nipogi AD08 nie może nadążyć za konkurencją.

32 GB pamięci RAM i dysk SSD 512 GB sprawiają, że komputer jest solidnym urządzeniem do użytku domowego. Przyglądając się bliżej jego opcjom łączności, zauważą Państwo jednak, że jego konkurenci zazwyczaj posiadają przyszłościowe złącza Thunderbolt, które znacznie poszerzają potencjalne zastosowania urządzeń. Niestety, Nipogi AD08 nie może z tego skorzystać, co oznacza, że polecamy ten komputer po prostu do pracy w domu. Pod względem ceny urządzenie również nie należy do najtańszych. Jego konkurenci są często tańsi i oferują większą wydajność. W chwili pisania tego tekstu, Nipogi AD08 nie będzie łatwo dodać do koszyka potencjalnych nabywców.

Cena i dostępność

Nipogi AD08 można kupić bezpośrednio w sklepie internetowym Nipogi. Obecnie urządzenie można nabyć za około 740 USD.

NiPoGi AD08 - 02/01/2024 v7 (old)
Sebastian Bade

87 / 98 → 89%
58 / 81 → 72%
Wydajność w grach
Wydajność w programach użytkowych
Mini PC - Ważona średnia


Wyboru urządzeń do recenzji dokonuje nasza redakcja. Próbka testowa została udostępniona autorowi przez producenta bezpłatnie do celów recenzji. Na tę recenzję nie miały wpływu osoby trzecie, a producent nie otrzymał kopii tej recenzji przed publikacją. Nie było obowiązku publikowania tej recenzji. Nigdy nie przyjmujemy rekompensaty ani płatności w zamian za nasze recenzje. Jako niezależna firma medialna, Notebookcheck nie podlega władzy producentów, sprzedawców detalicznych ani wydawców.

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Każdego roku Notebookcheck niezależnie sprawdza setki laptopów i smartfonów, stosując standardowe procedury, aby zapewnić porównywalność wszystkich wyników. Od około 20 lat stale rozwijamy nasze metody badawcze, ustanawiając przy tym standardy branżowe. W naszych laboratoriach testowych doświadczeni technicy i redaktorzy korzystają z wysokiej jakości sprzętu pomiarowego. Testy te obejmują wieloetapowy proces walidacji. Nasz kompleksowy system ocen opiera się na setkach uzasadnionych pomiarów i benchmarków, co pozwala zachować obiektywizm.
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> laptopy testy i recenzje notebooki > Laptopy > Recenzja mini PC Nipogi AD08: Stylowy komputer z procesorem Intel Core i7-12650H ma konstrukcję mini-tower i trzy tryby zasilania
Sebastian Bade, 2024-01- 5 (Update: 2024-01- 5)